
Returns a blank row for the requested detail code. Suppose the detail code has an auto-sequenced line ID column; then the value of the next row number is assigned to the new row automatically.


Public Function GetNewRow(ByVal objSymbol As String, ByVal objKey As String, ByVal 
DetailCode As String) As DataRow


Argument Description
objSymbol The data object type or the current object type if blank.
objKey The data object key or the current object key if blank.
DetailCode The system detail code that is used to return the new row.

Examples: “INGR” for Formula Ingredients; “HEADER”; “ST”

When the detail code does not exist, an exception is thrown.

Some detail codes (such as CUSTOM or VIEW) do not support the addition of new rows. Calling this method on those detail codes throws an exception.


ADO.Net DataRow object. See