Example of formula segments
Define each part of the formula name as segments in the code. In this example, there are six segments in the Rule, but only five parts to the formula name.
consists of six Auto Code
Segments. The first segment is used in the Copy Method, but not the formula
Segment | Name | Configuration | Example |
1 | Class | User selects from a drop-list. | Recipe |
2 | Lab | Pre-filled by the selected Rule. |
3 | Number | Formula number that is assigned by Optiva. |
4 | Color |
User selects from a drop-list. |
5 | User Initials |
User specifies the text. |
6 | Version | Formula version that is assigned by Optiva. |
Example Segment | Description |
The user is going to select a class for the
new object during the naming process; so this is a selection segment. Because
it is not going to be used in the name, the segment is designated as "not
included". The Copy Method refers to the selection as [%] , where the "" indicates that
it is the first Auto Code segment defined. |
Lab name
Because this rule is specific to the lab, this is a fixed segment. When anyone creates a new formula and selects this rule, this name is displayed automatically in the formula name and it cannot be edited. |
Formula number
Each formula in the lab has its own number indicated here. It is three digits long, but if the number is fewer than three digits, zeros are used to complete the three characters. For example, 89 is shown as 089. The number is automatically assigned by Optiva and cannot be edited by the user. |
The user selects the appropriate color for the formula from a drop-list. The selection is limited by the enumerated list that is established by the Optiva administrator. |
User’s initials
The user must enter his initials in a three-character placeholder. If the user selects to enter only two initials, the third placeholder is eliminated, for example, CS. When the rule is invoked, the user sees three underscores, which serve as placeholders for the text. Users cannot specify X, XX, or XXX for their initials. |
Version number
Only applicable to the Formula and Specification
forms. The three-digit number for the version is like the sequential number
that is assigned to the formula. Because a new formula has a new number in
segment 2, the version number is always 001. It is included so that the user
does not have to specify it. Another rule can be established to copy a formula and not assign a new number for segment 2. In this case, the version number is incremented. |