Specifying the replacement criteria

The new ingredient must be an item or formula in the database before it can replace other items. For information on creating an item or formula, see the Infor PLM for Process NPDI User Guide.

  1. Open the Ingredient Replace form.
  2. Specify the replacement criteria.
    Old Material, New Material
    Specify the ingredients that you intend to replace. The ingredients can be an item, raw material, instruction, packaging component, or a sub-formula.

    The old material is the original ingredient that you intend to replace. The new material is the ingredient that is replacing the original ingredient.

    Create New Formulas
    Select this check box to create a new formula instead of overwriting the existing formula(s). Then, select a Create Rule method.
    Specify the percentage of the new ingredient that is used to replace 100% of the old ingredient.

    Ratios apply only to the formula where the material or sub-formula is directly consumed. Any levels that are higher than the original point of entry for the material or sub-formula use the ratio of 100%.

    Suppose the replacement ingredient for your formula is more concentrated than the old ingredient. Your research indicates that 85% of the new ingredient is equivalent to 100% of the old ingredient; then specify 85 in this field.

    Create Rule
    When you select the Create New Formulas check box, you must select a rule from this drop-list. These values are from the C_INGREDREPLACERULE enumerated list and match the names of the corresponding create rules.
    If a function code is defined, the comment from the Ingredient Replace object is added to the end of the function code and is not written to the Comment field.

    If a function code is not defined, the comment from the Ingredient Replace form is placed in the Comment field.

    Change All Levels
    Changing all formula levels only applies when formulas are directly nested in upper level formulas. Select this check box to change those formulas that consume the formulas selected for Replace. This is in addition to changing those formulas selected for Replace that directly consume the old item or formula.

    Change All Levels can only be selected when Create New Formulas is specified. When Change All Levels is selected, here is the processing:

    The system first looks at the formulas in the Formulas grid. If any of these formulas directly consume the old Item or formula, the necessary replacements are made by the system.

    This is considered Level 0 on the Results grid.

    For Level 0 formulas that changed, the system then looks for any formulas that consume those formulas from Level 0.

    This is considered Level 1 on the Results grid.

    These Level 1 formulas are changed to now consume the new formulas from Level 0.

    For Level 1 formulas that changed, the system then looks for any formulas that consume those formulas from Level 1.

    This is considered Level 2 on Results grid.

    These Level 2 formulas are changed to now consume the new formulas from Level 1.

    The quantities that are replaced are always those Formula Line Item quantities in Mass UOM.

    The old item or formula is only replaced on those formulas from the Formulas grid that directly consume it (i.e., meaning level 0 formulas).

    When indirect nesting is used, the higher level formula is not replaced with a new version. The lower level’s manufacturing item does not automatically get a new parent version when the replacement is done. That needs to be scripted. This can happen either in the Copy method attached to the Create Rule attached to the Ingredient Replace object or through a later workflow, depending on business rules.
    Retain Original Yield
    Select this check box to rescale the formula so that the yield is the same as the original formula. This check box applies only to the first level of formulas in the hierarchy.

    What if you clear this check box? The yield is recalculated for any formulas where the replacement is not at 100% of the original material or sub-formula.