Getting started in the Gantt tab
The Gantt tab is in the Project Management page. This tab enables you to see the tasks for an Action WIP ID. The tasks are displayed in a table grid and in a bar chart.
You can use the Gantt tab. For each task, you can see this information:
menu to show and hide columns in the- The name of the action. You can click this link to add more information, such as instructions and percent complete, to the task. See Opening the WIP Detail dialog.
- The date and time that the task began. This information is displayed in the Actual Start Date field.
- The start and end dates and times for the task, which can be different from the original start and end dates and times. The duration for the task. Durations can be in days or hours.
- The queue status for the task and whether the task is eligible to be skipped.
- The primary user, group, or role who is assigned to the task.
- Color coding is used in the bar chart to identify which tasks are on schedule and which tasks are late.
You can change the Start Date and Due Date fields. When you do so, those dates become fixed dates. For an example, see Specifying fixed dates for action steps.
Adding views
Users can create their own set of views in the Gantt tab by clicking the button.