Executing workflow events using URLs

Using the Email Template form, the system administrator can configure the system to send external email notifications. These notifications can be sent in a text format or an .html format. See the Infor CloudSuite PLM for Process Application Configuration Guide.

The SAMPLE EMAIL APPROVE Action script can be configured to launch the Optiva Workflow dialog and the Optiva Formula form inside of Infor Ming.le.

  1. Remove the URL code that is used to launch the Workflow dialog outside of Infor Ming.le.
    Function makeUrl(name As String) As String 
       Return "<a class='button' title='Click here to " & name & "' " _
       & "href='http://localhost/FsOptivaWeb/Workflow/
       ActionWipId=" & _WIPID _ & "&LineId=" & _WIPLINEID & 
       "&Event=" & name & "'>" & name & "</a>" & vbCrLf
  2. Add the URL code that is used to launch the Workflow dialog inside of the Infor Ming.le environment. You must specify the entire https:// URL path.
    Function makeUrl(name As String) As String 
       'Start of code to use if running Optiva inside Infor Ming.le 
       Dim ProfileAttribute as String = "ION.FROMLOGICALID"
       Dim ProfileValues() as String = GetProfileValue(ProfileAttribute)
       Dim logicalID As String = ProfileValues(0)
    Dim ProcessInforMingleUrl As String = "Add the Infor Ming.le URL here. 
    Start with https:// and end with a string of hyphen-separated sets of alphanumeric characters." 
       Dim WFParams as String = "page%3DWFEVENT%26ActionWipId%3D" & _WIPID & "%26LineId%3D" & _WIPLINEID & "%26Event%3D" & name
       Dim href as String = ProcessInforMingleUrl & "?favoriteContext=" & 
    WFParams & "&LogicalId=lid://" 
       & logicalID
    Dim url as String = "<a class='button' title='Click here to " & name & "' " _
       & "href='" & href & "'>" & name & "</a>" & vbCrLf
    return url
    'End of code to use if running Optiva inside Infor Ming.le
    End Function
  3. Remove the URL code that is used to launch the Formula object outside of Infor Ming.le.
    Function makeFormulaUrl(code As String, ver As String) As String
       return "<a title='Click to view detailed information'
       type=FORMULA&id=" & code & "&version=" & ver & "'>" & code & "\" & ver & "</a>"
  4. Add the URL code that is used to launch the Formula object inside of the Infor Ming.le environment. You must specify the entire https:// URL path.
    Function makeFormulaUrl(code As String, ver As String) As String
       'Start of code to use if running Optiva inside Infor Ming.le 
       Dim ProfileAttribute as String = "ION.FROMLOGICALID"
       Dim ProfileValues() as String = GetProfileValue(ProfileAttribute)
       Dim logicalID As String = ProfileValues(0)
       Dim ProcessInforMingleUrl As String = "Add the Infor Ming.le URL 
    here. Start with https:// and end with a string of hyphen-separated sets 
    of alphanumeric characters." 
       Dim FormulaURLParams as String = "type%3DFORMULA%26id%3D" & code & 
    "%26version%3D" & ver
       Dim href as String = ProcessInforMingleUrl & 
        "?favoriteContext=" & FormulaURLParams & "&LogicalId=lid://" & 
       Dim url as String = "<a class='button' title='Click here to view 
    detailed information' 
        href='" & href & "'>" & code & "\" & ver & "</a>" & vbCrLf
       return url
       'End of code to use if running Optiva inside Ming.le
    End Function
  5. Save your changes. When you execute the SAMPLE EMAIL APPROVE Action, your email message contains the URL links that work inside of Infor Ming.le.