Creating a test plan

There are different ways to add test methods to the Test Plan form.

  • You can manually add parameters to the Test Plan grid. Then, select a test. Only tests with the parameter are shown and no additional parameters are added when the test is selected.

  • You can click Add Test and select a test method from the drop-list.

    When you click OK, the parameters for the test method are displayed in the Test Plan grid. If you have the appropriate form security privileges, you can add, delete, or modify the parameters. Your changes apply only to the current test plan. The underlying test method does not change.

  • You can click Add Spec and select a specification from the drop-list. This drop-list shows only the specifications that have test methods associated with the specification’s parameters.

    When you click OK, only the specification parameters that are associated with a test method are displayed in the Test Plan grid. The grid does not show the specification parameters for which there is no associated test method.