Example of a stage gate action set

This example shows how to create a Stage Gate Action Set for the Project symbol.

  1. Select Project for the Target Data Symbol.
  2. Select the Stage Gate check box.
  3. Use the Steps tab to define the stages of the Action Set.

    These fields are associated with stages and tasks.

    Action Code

    Optional entry.

    When you add a step to an action set, you do not have to specify an action. You are only required to specify at least one User, Group, or Role.

    When you launch a new workflow, a default action is assigned to any leaf steps that have not already been assigned an action. (Leaf steps are steps that do not have child tasks.) This default action is specified in the WORKFLOW.DEFAULTACTION profile attribute. The default value for this profile attribute is the APPROVE/REJECT Action.

    For category headings, you do not have to specify an Action, User, Group, Role, or Duration.

    Arrow Buttons
    Click these buttons to indent or outdent a selected task.
    Specify a description for each stage and task in the plan.
    Specify durations for the tasks.
    Optional. Specify instructions for the user who is completing the task. You can apply bold, italics, underline, strikethrough and colors to text in the Instructions column. The data specified in the Action Set form is also displayed in the Instructions column in these grids and forms:
    • Pending Tasks.
    • Project Management > Gantt.
    • WIP Details.
    • Visual Workflow
    Shows the hierarchical levels of the stages and the tasks.
    Row ID
    Displays the Row ID value. Unlike Sort Order, the Row ID value is not changed when you reorder, delete or insert a new row into the Steps tab. This column can be made visible or hidden via column personalization.
    Sort Order
    Displays the Sort Order number. The value in the Sort Order column is changed when you reorder, delete or insert a new row in the Steps tab and reflects the order that will be executed when a workflow is launched. The Sort Order value is used to calculate the next lines, prior line and loop line instead of the Row ID.

When the workflow is launched, the project plan is displayed in the Launch Workflow form. The Due Date is calculated by Optiva as Start Date plus the Duration and UOM. The duration and unit of measure are defined in the Action Set > Steps tab.

The system administrator can also track the project in the Workflows in Progress form. You can see the level of risk for the project and if a step has been skipped.

After you launch the Stage Gate Action Set for the Project symbol, you can display the Workflow ID in the Project Management form. The Gantt tab and Stages tab enable you to see and process the tasks that are assigned to you, your group, or your role.

Icons indicate the status and risk. Hover over buttons to see a tooltip.

Description Values
Status Not Started, In Process Queue, Skipped, Completed
Risk None, Low, Medium, High

Click the step to see the details. If buttons are displayed above the details, you can click those buttons to execute the events.