Defining the scale factor

In the Analysis form, the scale factor is only applied to parameters that have a value for Per UOM. For example, Unit Activity with UOM = 100 G and Per UOM = KG.

The Scale Factor is a calculator that defines a multiplier. This multiplier is used to scale the source parameter values in the Analysis tab. When the scaling occurs, the base unit of measure is converted to either a mass basis for servings or another denominator.

  1. Open the Analysis form.
  2. Specify this information:
    Scale Source Values
    If you clear this check box, nothing is scaled. If you select this check box, then the parameters for the non-Analysis objects are scaled. Formula and Item are non-Analysis objects. When the Object Detail column matches a Row Tag in the current Lab and that Row Tag is scalable, the parameters for Analysis objects are scaled.

    When this check box is selected and you save the Analysis object, the scale factor is applied to the parameters in the Source grid. The scale factor is also applied to the parameters in the Source grid when you click Calculate.

    You must click Calculate to recalculate the parameter values in the Results grid.

    For parameters that are defined as calculable in the Lab Analysis Parameter grid, click Calculate. Then, you can see the /Serving in the column headers instead of the Per UOM. This is applicable to both the Source and Results grid.


    Specify the mass unit of measure. If there is a Mass scale factor, it is applied to parameter values.