Working with Formulas in the Details tab
Overview of the Formula toolbar
You can use the modeler details dashboard in the Detail tab to work with specific ingredients for formulas.
Click Before, After, and Delta fields in the Parameters grid.
from the Formula toolbar to calculate all parameters on the formula. This will update theClick
from the Formula toolbar to save any changes made to the formula.Click Detail tab.
to reload the formula ingredients and parameter values to theClick Detail tab.
to remove the formula from theAdding a grid row to the Ingredients grid
- Left click in the Ingredients grid header column of an ingredient row to display and .
- Click to add a new grid row to the Ingredients grid.
- Specify an item and qty.
- Click Options > and click . The new grid row data is saved successfully. from the grid tool bar or select
Removing a grid row from the Ingredients grid
- Click after selecting a row in the Ingredients grid to delete that ingredient from the formula.
- Confirm row delete message will display for you to select Yes or No to delete the selected row.
Ingredient functions
to display the functions menu.
The following functions can be performed in the Ingredients grid: - Check Constraints
- Compare Formula - This function opens in a new tab. The formula that you select is the Base Object in the Compare form while the other formulas in the Detail tab are displayed in the Compare Symbols grid.
- Adjust
- Adjust Total with Items
- Scale Formula to Item Quantity
- Split Line
- Combine Like Ingredients
- Explode and Combine Selected
- Explode and Combine All
- Save As - This function copies the current formula to a new formula and automatically adds this new formula to the tree and Detail tab. This new formula displays in the Detail tab just to the right of the current formula that was copied.
- Save
- Delete (Ingredients)
For more information on these functions, see Formula quantities.