Displaying descriptions in different languages

You can configure Optiva to display descriptions in different languages for these objects:

  • Parameter
  • Item
  • Formula
  • Specification
  • Company
  • Action Set
  • Create Rule
  • Project
  • Ingredient Statement
  • Label Content
  • Location
Note:  For the Filter, the Label field, not the Description, is displayed in the Filter drop downs in grids like Pending Task and Parameter grids. Therefore, the Label, not the Description can be configured for different languages in the Filter object.

Follow these steps:

  1. Install the Optiva language packs.
    • The language codes are added to the Web Label form and the Language form.
    • In the Web Label form, separate rows are added for each Language Code/Resource Type/Resource Key combination.

  2. Specify at least one language code in the Browser Language Preferences. The first code in this list takes precedence over the other language codes.
  3. Open the Role form. Configure a role, such as RL_ADMIN, to have at least read/write privileges to these forms:
  4. Open the Optiva form and click the Description Language button. This button is displayed only if you have the appropriate form security privileges to FRMLANGUAGEDESCRIPTION.
  5. Add as many rows as you want in the Description Language dialog.
    1. Select a language code from the drop-list.
    2. Change the word “DEFAULT” to the description that you intend to display for the corresponding language code.
    3. Click OK.
  6. Click Save in the Optiva form. In this example, the German description is now displayed for the parameter. Optiva selected the German description for Density because DE-DE was listed as the first entry in the Browser preferences.

    When you display other objects in Optiva such as Items and Formulas, the same description is displayed for the DENSITY parameter.

    If you do not see a change in the parameter description, then sign out of Optiva and sign in again.