This Optiva table maps the appropriate Action Set to each BOD type.

Table column Description
BOD_ACTIONSET_ID Auto-generated integer.
BOD_TYPE BOD that is required by the external application. This contains the data that is being consumed by Optiva. Consumed by is the same as published to.
OPTIVA_OBJECT Optiva object that contains the data, such as item, formula or company.
OPTIVA_ACTIONSET Names of the Optiva Action Set for the scripts that are shipped with the ION interface. This name maps to the Optiva object and BOD type.

For example, SyncItemMaster maps to an Optiva ITEM and to the Action Set “IMP_SYNCITEMMASTER.”

You should use the same names for your workflow action set as the names of the workflow action files that are shipped.

FROMLOGICALID All ION documents come with a From Logical ID entry that specifies what system they are from, such as Adage or SAP. This is configured in ION Connect when you set up the routing.

@DFLT is the default value for this column. In this case, the SyncItemMaster documents from any source are routed to the same ImportSyncItemMaster Action Set.

If you specify another FROMLOGICALID, then documents from that source can be routed to a different Action Set.