Inbox Listener

The same log is used for error handling as for other Inbox Listener messages.

Suppose the ION in-box cannot be queried by the Inbox Listener because of an exception. For example, the Optiva server is not running, or the database connection is lost. In these situations, an event is written to the Windows event log.

Suppose a BOD type is found in the in-box, but that BOD type has not been accounted for in the FSBODACTIONSETCONFIG table. In this case, an exception is written to the Windows event log. Processing for that specific document only ends with an error condition. Other documents that are found in the in-box are processed normally.

The Inbox Listener does not attempt to parse the XML that is placed in the ION in-box. Consequently, the Listener does not report XML processing errors. The XML that represents the Infor BOD is passed from the Listener directly to the Optiva Server for processing by a customized workflow script.