Reusing Script Libraries

To support additional ION BODs, the Optiva Script Libraries can use other Script Libraries. Here is an example.

  • Script Library A can contain the standard properties. Some examples are date, time and duration. The standard properties are used to format the OPTIVA objects into standard XML BOD elements.
  • Script Library B can contain support for the ConfirmBOD and Acknowledgenoun.
  • Script Library C can contain the support for the OPTIVA Item object.
  • Script Library D can contain the support for the OPTIVA Formula object.

In this scenario, Script Library D can use the properties from Script Libraries, A, B, and C.

Normally, when you call a Script Library you use this syntax:

Dim Variable As Script library = New Script library (me)

When you call a Script Library from another Script Library, you should pass the workflow context value to the second Script Library. Typically that variable is called co.

Dim Variable As Script library = New Script library (co)

If you renamed the co variable in the first Script Library, then use that new variable name instead of co.