RoundingRule(value[, param, ParameterRoundRule, AdditionalIncrements])

Returns a number according to the rounding rule and parameter rounding value, and the multiplier.


Parameter Description
Value A number representing the value to be rounded
Param Optional. String representing the parameter whose rounding rule is to be used. If missing, the function uses the current technical parameter’s rounding rule.
ParameterRoundRule Optional. String representing the code of the ParameterRoundRule to use for rounding the current value. If missing, the function uses the ParameterRound rule defined on the analysis object.
AdditionaIncrements Optional. Integer value representing a multiplier to increment the value to the “AdditionalIncrements” times the “round to the nearest...” value.

Suppose the value to be rounded is 53 and the rule indicated to round down to the nearest 10. The AdditionalIncrement = 1. In this example, the value to be returned is 53. It is rounded to 50 and then another 1*10, which means to round to 40.

Return Value

Returns the rounded value.

RoundingRule example

This example rounds a given value by applying the rounding rule definition for the current parameter for the current analysis object.

Dim x As Double = RoundingRule(24.3)