User - field descriptions

Fields are presented in the order that they are presented in a form. Click a link to see the field descriptions for the form.

Main tab


Select this check box to indicate that the user record is active. The number of failed login attempts is reset to 0.

You can add user profiles in Optiva for the sole purpose of recording their e-mail addresses.

  • This is beneficial for users who want to be included in workflow notifications.

  • To ensure that you do not exceed your Optiva License Agreement, mark these users as Inactive. Alternatively, do not give these users any roles on the Role page.

Deactivate Emails

Select this checkbox to deactivate emails for the user. Now, emails will not be sent to the user.

Default Location

Optional. When you specify a location code, this location determines which shop calendar is used to calculate the tasks that are assigned to the user.

Shop calendars are used to calculate the start and end dates for each task and the load percentages for the user who is assigned to the task.

For more information about shop calendars, see the Optiva Application Configuration Guide.

Enter the department in which the user works.
Email Address

Enter the user’s e-mail address or enter an e-mail distribution list.

Your Optiva administrator can configure the Notify workflow function to send e-mail messages to Outlook distribution lists. Whenever this user receives a notification, that notification is forwarded to the distribution list.

Failed Login Attempts

Shows the number of unsuccessful login attempts by the user. A high number can indicate attempts by an unauthorized user.

This value resets to 0 when you reactivate the user or reset the password to the user ’s name.


Required for Advanced Project Management. Specify the project leader for this user.

Windows Id

Enter the domain name and domain user login name (network login) to enable Integrated Windows Authentication. Use the syntax domain\username.

The user name and password is bypassed in the login dialog. If there is only one database in the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\FsSvcCore\ Optiva.config file, the login screen is not displayed.

For Active Directory (AD) and Active Directory/AD FS authentication, configure the Windows ID field for the User Principal Name.

See the Optiva Installation Guide for details.

Groups tab

You can assign a user to one or more groups for security and workflow purposes.

Roles tab

You can assign the user to one or more Lab and Role combinations. Users can perform different roles in each lab and they can be assigned to more than one role per lab.

For example, User1 may be a Formulator (role) for the BEVERAGE lab, but a Tester (role) for the FOOD lab and the SNACKS lab.

Shows the description of the selected code.
Lab Code
Select a Lab code from the list.
Role Code
Select a Role code from the list. You can have more than one role defined for a lab.
  • The first time that you log in, the role that is listed first alphanumerically will be used for that lab.

  • If you select another role during the session, that role will be used the next time that you log in.

  • The role that will be used for the next login is stored in the FSUSERPROFILEDTL table with an attribute code of LASTWEBROLE.<lab name>.

Profiles tab

Use this tab to specify profile attributes that are specific to this user. These attributes override the profile attribute values that are defined at the lab level and the system (default) level.

It is recommended that you only change the values of basic attributes. For example, SECURITY.FAILEDLOGINLIMIT 4.

Merged Profiles tab

This tab is read-only. It shows all of the profile attributes that are in effect for the user and the source of those profile attributes. In other words, you can see if the profile attribute value was defined at the system (default) level, the lab level, or in the User > Profiles tab.

For more information, see the Optiva Application Configuration Guide.