Equation functions and variables

You can use equations, functions, and variables for analysis. This table shows a brief description of the global variables:

Global Variable Description
_OBJECTKEY The key of the current analysis object
_ANALYSISROWTAG The current row tag
_ANALYSISDAILYVALUERULE The default Daily Value Rule from the Analysis form.
_ANALYSISDEGRADATIONRULE The default Degradation Rule from the Analysis form
_ANALYSISRNDRULE The default Rounding Rule from the Analysis form
_ANALYSISSHELFLIFE The default Shelf Life from the Analysis form
_ANALYSISPARAM The current technical parameter
_ANALYSISCURRLOOP Returns the current iteration. To control the looping, specify a value.
  • -1 = Finish processing the current “i-turn”. Stop even if the Upper Iteration limit has not be reached.
  • -2 = Do not process the current parameter for the remainder of the Calc event.
_ANALYSISERRSUPPRESS Suppresses the error message.

It is suppressed when the equation refers to a RowTag has not been calculated yet.

  • 1 = Suppress error message for the remainder of the calc event
  • 0 = enable error message. This is the default value.
_SOURCECHANGED Checks whether source data has been changed.
  • 1 = Source data has been changed.
  • 0 = Source data has not been changed.


This script shows an example of how to use this variable.

   Messagelist("Source data changed");
	  Messagelist("Source data not changed");