Wizard example

The configuration for the wizard is shown here.

Optional. Specify the text for the caption.
Dep Field
Optional. Fields within the wizard can be configured to only show depending upon a value that is selected for a previous field. See Dependent fields example.
Dep Field Value
Optional. Specify the value for the dependent field.
Input Field
Select a field from the list. The choices that are available for selection are defined in the Input Code field in the Input section.
Specify the order of the field on the wizard step. To alter this order, click the Reorder rows icon.
Specify whether the field can be edited by the user. Read only fields prevent users from changing the input values in the wizard.
Step Line ID
Specify the step in the wizard to which the Line applies.
Optional. Specify the text for the tooltip. This text is displayed when users hover their mouse over a field in the wizard.