Adding or inserting a task to the Gantt tab
In the Project Management > Gantt tab, you can add and insert tasks to a workflow that is in progress.
- In the Action form, select the Action Can be Added check box. This check box enables users to select and add this action from the Project Management > Gantt tab.
- In the Action Set form, select the Allow Step Inserts check box. This check box allows users to add actions to this workflow from the Project Management > Gantt tab.
After you launch the Stage Gate Action Set workflow, the
Add Row and
Insert Row
buttons are displayed in the Gantt tab for the WIP ID. The Add Row and Insert Row buttons are enabled when you are
working with the All
Tasks task filter and Hide
Inactive check box is not selected.
To add a task to the end of the workflow that is in progress, click Add Row.To insert a task in between other actions, select a row in the Gantt tab and click Insert Row. The Line IDs for the other actions in the workflow are adjusted appropriately.Prior lines are adjusted to continue to point to the same step as before the insert or add. Loop lines are also adjusted to loop back to the same step as before the insert or add.
When you add or insert a row, the default action is assigned to that row. This
default action is specified in the
profile attribute. For example, APPROVE/REJECT. - To replace the default action with another action, click the Lookup icon in the Action column. Only the action codes that are defined as Action Can be Added are displayed in Object Explorer.
- To save the changes to the Gantt tab, you must specify a user, group or role and a duration for each new task. You can modify the Prior Lines and Level Code columns too.