Compare - field descriptions


Using this page, you can compare:
  • Items
  • Formulas
  • Specifications

The symbol that you select as the basis for comparison can be different from the symbol that you select for the compare. For example, you can compare an item to a formula.


Comparison enables you to:
  • Use items and parameters as criteria.
  • Define threshold values for item quantities and parameters. The comparison results show values exceeding the threshold in a different color.

  • Filter the types of ingredients such as raw material, instructions, etc.
  • Normalize to a base formula for scale and unit of measure.
  • Sort and group results.
  • Save the comparison criteria to use again.

Color Indicators

A color identifies if the value of the compared object is greater than or less

than the base formula value by a specified percentage.

See the Infor PLM for Process NPDI User Guide for examples.

Main tab

Here, you select the objects and criteria that will be used in the comparison and view the results.

Selected Objects

Base Object

Select the symbol (i.e., Formula, Item, or Specification) that is to be used as the basis for the comparison.

Then, click the Lookup to select the base key code that will be used.

The Normalize to Base Formula check box is optional for formulas. If you select this check box, Optiva scales and displays compared objects to the base formula yield and unit of measure.

Compare Symbol

Select the symbol that will be compared against the Base Key code. This does not have to be the same symbol as the Base Symbol.

Then, select a code from the Lookup.

Criteria tab

Here, you designate the criteria that will be used for comparing the symbols that you selected.

The choices that are available for selection are dependent upon the symbols that you are comparing. For example, the Specification Qtys to Display choices are relevant only for specification comparisons.

You can choose to display the ingredients being compared by checking the Display Ingredient Comparison box and by selecting a:
  • Line Type - (Item Lines or Byproducts).
  • Difference Method - (Absolute or Relative.)
  • Quantity percentage ranges (less than the base by more than a percentage or more than the base by more than a percentage)

  • Quantity values for formulas or specifications. See Formula Qtys to Display Choices.

Formula Qtys to Display Choices


Display ingredients using the standard units of measure of the base formula.


Display ingredients in the mass unit of measure of the base formula.


Display ingredients in the volume unit of measure of the base formula.

Weight Percent

Display ingredients as a percentage of the formula total.

Relative Quantity %

If the items on a formula have relative quantities defined, those values will be shown in the Compare results. The Rel Qty % values are retrieved from the fsformulaingred table.

Qty Low/UOM
Compare values in the ingredient’s Qty Low column.
Qty High/UOM
Compare values in the ingredient’s Qty High column.
For more information, see the Infor PLM for Process NPDI User Guide.

Sort tab

Use this tab to specify how to sort the Compare results.

Item Lines

Select the type of items (e.g., material, raw material) that will appear in the Ingredients section results.

To select multiple choices, press the Ctrl key.

Choose the match criteria that will be used to sort and display the ingredient results.
  • Ingredient Item Codes can be used to:
    • Combine Like Ingredients
    • Explode Ingredients
    • Explode Raw Materials
    • Sort items in Ascending or Descending order
  • Ingredient Lines can be used to display separate lines for each ingredient. To keep each formula’s ingredients intact in their own section, select Contiguous Base Formula.

Ingredients tab

This tab displays the results of a formula comparison. It shows the ingredients for the formulas that were designated in the Select Objects section.

Class assignment of the base object.
Description of the ingredient
Displays the items in the formulas that were compared.
Displays the item line number of the formula.
Results Column Labels

Displays the results using the Qtys to Display column(s) that you selected in the Criteria section.

For example, if you selected Weight Percent, then the results will appear in the Weight % column.


Displays the unit of measure used in the ingredient comparison results. The column title may be “UOM” or an actual unit of measure, such as “KG” or “%”.

Parameters tab

This tab shows the results of the comparison. It shows the parameter values for the objects that were designated in the Select Objects section.

Displays the parameter description.

Select a filter from the list to view the corresponding parameters.

Make Default

Select a parameter filter and make that filter the default for your own user id. Master Users (who are defined in the Role page) will be prompted to assign the default filter to the user code, lab code, role, or global lab (@DFLT). User code is the most specific assignment, meaning it takes precedence over the most general assignment, which is @DFLT.

Displays the parameter codes.
Displays the unit of measure for each parameter.
Displays the parameter values for both objects.

Criteria: Highlight Only When Formula/Item Parameter Values Are Outside of Specification Min/Max

Special highlighting can occur if parameter values of formulas and items are outside the Min and Max of the specification. The highlighting occurs on the compared object: RED or BLUE and the parameter code is BOLD.

To see this highlighting, do not select Target Quantity for the Specification Values to Display field. Select only Minimum Quantity and Maximum Quantity.

When this is done, the values in the Highlight Quantity <% or >% are ignored and any values, regardless of the amount, outside the Min and Max of the specification will be highlighted for the compared objects.

Base Object Compare Object Description

Formula or Item


Specification Min value is BLUE if it is greater than (>) the value for the formula or item. The parameter code is BOLD.

Specification Max value is RED if it is less than (<) the value for the formula or item. The parameter code is BOLD.

Specification Formula or Item

The Formula or item value is BLUE if it is greater than (>) the Specification Max value. The parameter code is BOLD.

The Formula/Item value is RED if it is less than (<) the Specification Min value. The parameter code is BOLD.

See the Infor PLM for Process NPDI User Guide for an example.