Obtaining IDM user for interacting IDM in workflow
When you are using ION API, this user must belong to the “IDM User”
and “IDM Super
roles in IFS.
You must Optiva
IDM.profile attributes for @DFLT
. The easiest method is to use the Optiva Wizards gadget. Complete these steps:
- Select the IMPORT ION CONFIG Wizards Action
Set. The description of the action set is
Action for Import ION API Config file
. - Copy the credentials from the OptivaIDM.ionapi file and paste those credentials into the Wizard prompt.
- Click IDM.INTEGRATION profile attribute is changed to 1. . The IDM profile attributes are updated with the values that you specified in the Wizard prompt; and the value of the
Profile Attribute | Description | Value |
IDM.INTEGRATION | IDM Server is enabled for storing attachments. | 1 - enables IDM integration 0 - disables IDM integration |
IDM.ARCHIVE_ENABLED | When Optiva users delete rows from the Attachments grid and click
, those
attachments are physically deleted from IDM. To preserve those documents in IDM, you must specify 1 for this profile attribute. See Archiving rules. |
1 - enable archiving 0 - disables archiving. This is the default value. |
IDM.CLIENT_ID | Client ID on the IDM Server | CI value from the ION API |
IDM.CLIENT_SECRET | Client Secret on the IDM Server | CS value from the ION API |
IDM.GRANT_TYPE | Infor OS Token Server Grant Type | password. Fix the string value. |
IDM.USERNAME | User Name on the IDM Server | saak value from the ION API |
IDM.PASSWORD | Password on the IDM Server | sask value from IONAPI |
IDM.SCOPE | Infor OS Token Server Scope | offline_access. Fix the string value. |
IDM.RESTAPIURL | IDM Rest API URL | IDM Endpoint URL for REST Api with '/api' removed from the end of the URL (i.e., https://XiServer:7443/infor/IDM) |
IDM.THUMBNAILHEIGHT | The height of the thumbnail image in the Optiva Attachments grid. The actual height of the image is calculated as the profile attribute value minus 2. | For example, when you specify 40 for the profile attribute, the actual height of the thumbnail image is 38. The calculation is: 40 - 2 = 38 |
IDM.TOKENSERVER | Infor OS Token Server |
"PU" + "OT" value from IONAPI (i.e,. https://XiServer/InforIntSTS/connect/token/) |