Drilling down to configure item or parameter guideline

You can drill down to configure your item or parameter guideline data.

  1. In the Item Guidelines and Restrictions or Parameter Guidelines and Restrictions object, click Drilldown from the Details grid on the Main tab.
  2. Specify this criteria.
    Specify a description.
    Specify the status of the guideline.
    Specify a variable for the Additional Text. This entry is optional.
    Additional Text
    Specify additional text.
    Specify values for each of the context attributes. The guideline check returns the guidelines if the attributes in the guideline check match the attributes that are specified here:
    • Match All - All attributes are matches.
    • Match Listed - Any listed attributes are matches.
    • Do Not Match Listed - Any attributes except those listed are matches.
    Value Type
    Specify the Value Type for the (&Value) variable used in the guideline.
    • Any Quantity - Minimum and maximum are not required.
    • Above Max (exclusive) - Minimum is required.
    • Between Min and Max (inclusive) - Minimum and maximum are required.
    • Below Min (exclusive) - Minimum is required.
    • Not Between Min and Max (exclusive) - Minimum and maximum are required.

    Item values are Qty percentages. Parameter values are actual values.

    Specify the user group to associate with the guideline (defaults to the current user’s group).
    Information Only
    Select this check box if the this guideline is information only.
    Standard Guideline Text
    Shows the text from the selected standard guideline.

    This text cannot be changed and additional text can be added in the Additional Text field.

  3. Click Apply. The criteria will be displayed in the Item Guidelines and Restrictions or Parameter Guidelines and Restrictions Detail grid on Main tab.