Linking attachments between different Optiva symbols

You can share document attachments with more than one Optiva object and more than one symbol. This feature is available only when Optiva is configured for IDM integration.

  1. Open an Optiva object, such as an Item.
  2. Complete these steps in the Attachments grid.
    1. Select an IDM function code.
    2. Select a row that already has an attachment.
    3. Click LINK ATTACHMENT(S).
  3. Complete these steps in the Select Symbol Objects dialog.
    1. Click Add Row.
    2. Select a Symbol. The drop list displays only the symbols that share the same IDM function code as the selected attachment. There can be different symbols, such as Formula, Item, Project, and Specification.
    3. Specify any Key for the corresponding symbol.
    4. Click LINK ATTACHMENTS. Now, the attachment is linked to the new object key.
    To view all objects that are linked to the current object, see Viewing linked attachments.