Specifying the source objects for Analysis

  1. Open the Analysis tab in the Analysis form. All parameter values are displayed in the Source and Results grid in the parameter’s Base UOM.
  2. Specify this criteria:
    Object Key
    Add source objects individually or search for multiple objects to provide the parameter values for the analysis.
    Any object with parameters can be a source object (formula, item, specification, test order, label content, analysis, label content).
    If you select a test order, you must select Sample on the Object Detail column.
    The Object Detail column provides the detail of the object that stores a parameter value. For example, the Object Detail column provides the min/max/target of a specification or sample of a test order.
    Select a filter to control the parameters displayed on this form.
    Value (e.g., Protein)
    Values from the selected objects are added to the parameters. If you select a test order, you must select a Sample in the Object Detail column. The first occurrence of the parameter values that is found in the test results data for that test order or sample is displayed.
    If you have intervals defined for the test, only the first interval value is returned. Suppose sample is listed more than once in the test order and each line has a different test. In this case, the system attempts to find parameter A on the first test order row. Then the system attempts to find parameter A on the second test order row. If the parameter is found, the first result value from this row, which is the first interval value, is used.