
You can use this function for Optiva Workflows and Copy Methods.


Populates a table in the database with current workflow or copy method data.


Dim variable As Long = LogAddRec(QueryName,LogIndicator,[CustomParameters])


Part Description
QueryName The name in the FSQUERY table. It is listed as WLOGQueryNameADD in the QUERY_CODE column.
LogIndicator 0 - A log ID is assigned to the table for the workflow or copy method. The predefined parameters are called into the table. Custom parameters can be defined in the table and in the TEXT_QUERY field.

1 - A log ID is assigned to the table for the workflow or copy method. Custom parameters can be defined in the table and in the TEXT_QUERY field.

2 - Custom parameters can be defined in the table and in the TEXT_QUERY field.

CustomParameters Optional. Additional parameters, or information, from the workflow or copy method that should be included in the table.


LogAddRec populates a table with workflow or copy method information. The table is created and defined in the system database before using the function. A table, FSWFLOG, exists in the database to store predefined parameters using this function. You can create an extension table.