Label Claim Definition - field descriptions

Fields are presented in the order that they are presented in a form. Click a link to see the field descriptions for the form.


Creating the definition requires some thought. Here, you provide the logic that is used to evaluate the parameters that are assigned to a Label Claim Rule.

A Good Source of Calcium definition, that can be used for the CA (Calcium) parameter, may look like this:

Value (PVALUE) must be > 20
Your definitions can also include a range of values. For example:
Value (PVALUE) must be > 20 AND < 70

Main tab

Select a code that describes the type of approval.
Created By
Shows the user who created the object.
Creation Date
Shows the date when the object was created.
Enter or modify a short description of the object.

Select a code that describes the reason for stopping use of an object.

Modified By
Shows the user who changed the object.
Modify Date
Shows the date when the object was last edited.

Select a code that describes the current state of the object in the release process.

Details tab

Define the logic that will be used to evaluate the parameters on a Label Claim Rule. You can select a lower qualifier, an upper qualifier, or both.

To specify a range of numeric values, select both a lower and upper qualifier.


Select from an enumerated list of nutrition calculations,such as: % Daily, Value, Min, Max, Target.

Logic Operator
Select an operator from the list:
  • And - For the claim text to appear in the Label Content object, all of the entries in the Claim Definition page must pass.

  • Not - For the claim text to appear in the Label Content object, all of the entries in the Claim Definition page must fail.

  • Or - For the claim text to appear in the Label Content object, at least one of the entries in the Claim Definition page must pass. Do not use with And/Not.

Lower Limit

Enter the numeric value that is used for the lower boundary of the range.

Lower Qualifier

Select the lower qualifier: greater than (>) or greater than/equal to (> =).

Upper Limit

Enter the numeric value that is used for the upper boundary of the range.

Upper Qualifier

Select the upper qualifier: less than (<) or less than/ equal to (< =).

Security tab

This tab identifies who can access the object and the types of access privileges that are granted for the Owner, Group, and Role.

The Optiva administrator configures the default security for all objects of this type. You can specify the security for a specific object here. For example, you can assign the Owner full privileges (Read/Copy/Write/Delete), but partial or no access privileges to the Role and Group.


Select the security group for the owner of the object. If the owner belongs to more than one group, then the group owner selected during login is displayed here.

Group Access

Select the level of access privileges the Group has to the object.


Shows the name of the user who created the object. If you have the appropriate security privileges, then you can change the Owner by manually typing another value or by selecting the Lookup.

Click View Object to navigate to the User page where you can view details about the object’s Owner.

Owner Access

Select the level of access privileges the Owner has to the object.

Role Access

Select the level of access privileges the Role has to the object.