Creating SQL queries

In the Query page, the Optiva administrator can create SQL queries that can be used for the Search <Object> pages. The Class field in the Query page must use this naming convention: SEARCH.DIY.<search symbol name>

DIY - as in “Do It Yourself”

The SEARCH.DIY.FORMULA class indicates that the query can be used for the Search Formula page.

The SEARCH.DIY.ITEM class indicates that the query can be used for the Search Item page.

These queries are available for selection in the SQL Search Query drop list for the respective Search page. In other words, the SEARCH.DIY.ITEM class query is available for selection only in the Item Search page. It is not available for selection in the other Search <object> pages.

The Select statement in your query should include only the key code for the object. For version-supported objects, such as Formula and Ingredient Statement, use formula_id and label_id.