Process for importing data

This table summarizes the process for importing data. The order of the process is important. Some of the import steps depend on specific data.

Stage Description
1 Install Optiva.

The installation creates the necessary database tables and adds the required system data to the tables.

2 Prepare for the log

Specify the location for the import log.

3 Set up the Optiva system.

When you setup the system, you establish the prerequisite data:

  • Users, groups, and roles for security. Especially important is an import user (i.e., master user). This user must have full ownership privileges for all objects.
  • Default records for objects such as formulas, items, companies.
  • Labs that enable the importer to log in.
  • Parameters that are assigned to labs and used by items.
  • Function codes that are used by the DOC, ATTACH and EMBEDDEDOBJECTS codes
  • Sets
  • Status codes
  • Drop-lists for enumerated lists.
4 Map existing data.

Data that exists in another system must be identified in relation to the Optiva system. This analysis is performed offline. Enlist the help of Infor Consulting Services to ensure complete coverage for your data. After the data is identified, tagging can begin.

5 Create one or more files that contain the data and tag the data with XML codes.

Specify data in the correct sequence.

Note the sequence that must be used for importing objects. Each object depends on data above it in the file. Here are some examples.

Formulas require this order:

  1. Parameters, Companies, Users
  2. Items
  3. Formulas, Item Statements, Specifications

Using the Test Order symbol, you can import all the information that is related to a Test Order. This includes the Test Results.

Attached documents and embedded objects require function codes.

  1. Symbols - function codes
  2. Attached documents and embedded objects
6 Configure the import options and import the data. In the XML Import form, you specify the object details to import. You can overwrite or append to existing data.

Click Import XML to import the data to Optiva.