Ingredient Where Used - field descriptions

Fields are presented in the order that they are presented in a form. Click a link to see the field descriptions for the form.


This page enables you to identify where a formula or item is used. If you are planning to make changes to your formula, you can use the Where Used Search feature to see the parent/child relationships in the formula’s tree.

Formula Search Criteria

Enter your search criteria here. If you opened this page by navigating from the Item or Formula page, then the Symbol and Base Key fields are filled automatically.

Base Key

Specify the item or formula that will be used in the Where Used Search.

Bottom Up

A check mark indicates that the results will be displayed in a bottom up fashion. The order of the tree structure hierarchy will be reversed. The top of the tree shows the lowest level formula.

Only Where Directly Nested

A check mark indicates that the results will only show the sub-formulas, not the manufactured items.

Select Formula Search

Optional. You can limit the Where Used results by specifying a previously created Formula Search object.

The Formula Search does not have to be Quick Search enabled. You can alter the search criteria either by choosing a different Formula Search object or by editing the criteria on the Formula Search form.

If a parent formula passes the search criteria, but the child formulas do not, those child formulas are still displayed in the results.

Select either Item or Formula from this list.


Click Load Search Formulas to view the results in either the Summary or Detail grid.

When building the results, the Where Used Search references these profile attributes: WHEREUSED.STATUSEXCLUDE and WHEREUSED.YIELD%.


Shows the class code that is assigned to the formula in the Formula page.

Formula Code

Shows the code of each formula in the hierarchy. You can click the link to navigate to the Formula page.


Indicates the formula’s level in the hierarchy. Lower level formulas are indented so that you can see the parent/child relationship between the formulas.

For a top down view:
  • 1 - The highest level. These formulas may directly consume ingredients. If there are Level 2 formulas, Level 1 formulas consume Level 2 formulas.

  • 2 - These formulas are consumed by Level 1 formulas.

  • 3 - These formulas are consumed by Level 2 formulas.

For a bottom up view, the hierarchy is reversed (i.e., Level 1 is the lowest level).

Each level of the search will only find formulas that the current user has at least 3 (read/copy) security access to. Formulas to which the user has no security access will be excluded from the results, along with any parent formulas of the excluded formulas.

Qty %

Shows a simple calculation that approximates the mass of the starting ingredient in the formulas.

Where Used Search calculations are approximations.

Security Group
Shows the object owner’s group.

Shows the status code assigned to each formula in the hierarchy.


Shows the version code of each formula in the hierarchy.


Here, you can view related object data. Some of the most common types of information include workflows.