Return codes

Return codes conclude workflow events, conditional statements, and equation calculations. Return is a VB.NET keyword. The value that is returned determines the behavior of Optiva.

  • A negative value results in an error. An error message can be displayed by the system, but not necessarily. If the calculation is part of a SAVE, the save is ignored, too.
  • A positive value results in a non-failure state.
  • Any portion of the script that is located after the Return keyword is not processed. The control is passed back to the system immediately.
Return Code Description

Return negative_value

Indicates an error. Depending upon the script, an error dialog can be shown to the user. In this scenario, the text of the error is retrieved from the FsAppMessageHeader and FsAppMessageText tables.
Return 111 Advance to the next action. Use in a Start event for a single object to close the Start Workflow form.
Return 811 Loop to the specified line in the action set (i.e., to repeat tasks).

See CheckLoopCount.

Return 9111 Cancel the workflow. If this is from a Start event for a single object, the Start Workflow form does not close. All the parameters that are entered by the user are retained and corrections can be made. The user can start the workflow again and a new work ID is created.

Use 111 to close the Start Workflow form without enabling the user to try to start the workflow again.

Cancel the creation of a new object from a copy method.

Return 9112 Suspends a WIP when an unexpected error happens. The status of the WIP is set to "Suspended". Steps with the Queue Status "In Process Queue" is set to the Queue Status "Closed". The Receiving Indicator column will be set to "Suspended" for these steps as well. Steps with the Queue Status "Not Started" remain in that status, and the Receiving Indicator is unchanged for these steps. This will allow an administrator to fix the error and then put the Workflow back into an active state.
Return 1 Hold and wait for additional user input.

Continue with the formula calculation.

For item calculated equations, use the variable context.ReturnValue to define the parameter value. A return code of 1 completes the equation.

For example, the equation 2+2 looks like this:

Dim a As Integer = 2+2
Context.ReturnValue = a
Return 1