
Partial MS Word Template:Partial MS Word Template

PLM Process Script example

  1. Define report variables such as Function Code/Document Type, output type (MS Word or Adobe PDF)
    'Define doc code here - required if using IDM Reports; Optional for WebReports
    	dim doccode as string = "ATTACHMENT"
    'Define Report template name for IDM Reports (Must be same as template file Title in IDM):
    	dim reportname as string = "USDA Submittal Summary"
    	dim extension as string = ".pdf"	' change extension to docx to generate as Word doc
    	dim filename as string = reportname & "_" & cstr(_wipid) & extension
  2. Generate the XML data using ObjectXML
    dim sLCXML as string = ObjectXML("", "", "HEADER")
  3. Convert the XML String to a dataset and datatables
    Dim reader As StringReader = New StringReader(sLCXML)
    Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet()
    Dim row As DataRow
  4. As needed, add columns to datatables, add datatables to the dataset, or modify existing data
    ds.Tables("FSLABELCONTENT").Columns.Add(xtfield, GetType(String))
    	dim apprdate as string = ObjProperty("C_DATEPRRAPPR")
    	If isblank(apprdate) = 0 then 
    		apprdate = cdate(apprdate).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")
    		dt.Rows(0)("C_DATEPRRAPPR") = apprdate
    	End If
    	dim sProcess as string = ObjProperty("DOCTEXT.DOC", "", "", "AGENCY_INFORMATION", "FUNCTION_CODE")
    	if isblank(sProcess) = 0 then
    		'   CREATE TABLE
    		dim processtable as DataTable = idmReportHelper.ConvertTextToTable("DOC_PROCESSING", "TEXT_DATA", sProcess)	' Uses script library IDMREPORTHELPER which is provided with MT Provisioning
    		if not processtable is nothing then Ds.Tables.Add(processtable)
    	end if
  5. Re-generate XML from the DataSet, and optionally / temporarily show XML in an alert message*
    	dim xmlData as string = ds.GetXml()
    	' messagelist(xmlData)
    (*Save the XML to a local file to use with your MS Word Template for building the template content)
  6. Generate and attach the Report
    		'Define report generation parameters
    		Dim reportParams as New IDMReportParams
    		Dim reportResult as New IDMReportResult
    		reportParams.xmlData = xmlData
    		reportParams.templateFileName = reportname	' "Item Summary Report"
    		reportParams.targetFileName = filename
    	' Code needed to use non-default Function Code:
    		reportParams.TargetDocCode = doccode
    		Dim targetCMItem As DocICP.CMItem  = New DocICP.CMItem()
    		targetCMItem.EntityName = doccode
    		targetCMItem.SetAttributeValue("OPTIVA_SYMBOL", _OBJECTSYMBOL)
    		Dim objKey As String() = _OBJECTKEY.Split("\")
    		targetCMItem.SetAttributeValue("OPTIVA_SYMBOL_ID", objKey(0))
    		If objKey.Length > 1 Then targetCMItem.SetAttributeValue("OPTIVA_SYMBOL_VERSION", objKey(1))
    		targetCMItem.SetAttributeValue("OPTIVA_ARCHIVE", False)
    		filename = Replace(filename, extension, "")		' For later report presentation
    		targetCMItem.SetAttributeValue("OPTIVA_DOC_TITLE", filename)		
    		reportParams.targetCMItem = targetCMItem
    	' Generate and attach report
    		reportResult  = CreateIDMReport(reportParams)
    		'Turn on if needed for debugging:
    		' Messagelist(reportResult.ErrorMessage)
    		' messagelist("ITEMID  -  " & reportResult.IDMDoc_ITEM_ID)
    		' messagelist("IDM Document URL  -   " & reportResult.IDMDoc_URL)
    		' messagelist("Job ID  -  " & reportResult.IDMDoc_JobId)
  7. If appropriate, launch the report for the user’s view. This script library is provided with MT provisioning
    dim oidm as IDM_EPPLUS = New IDM_EPPLUS(me)
    		oidm.OpenAttachments(doccode, _objectsymbol, _Objectkey, filename)