Specifying properties for sorting

  1. Open the Compare form.
  2. Click the Sort tab.
  3. Specify how to sort the results.
    Specifying properties for sorting

    If you explode ingredients and raw materials and combine like ingredients, then each ingredient is displayed once on a single result line.

    Suppose you do not combine like ingredients and ingredients are not displayed in the same order for each sub-formula. Then, ingredients are not displayed on the same result line.

    Ingredient Item Codes
    Sort Ingredient by Item Codes.
    • Combine Like Ingredients: After you explode a sub-formula, combine duplicate items that have an identical code.
    • Explode Ingredients: Compare ingredients in a sub-formula. This does not apply to specs.
    • Explode Raw Materials: Compare constituents of raw materials. This does not apply to specs.
    Ingredient Lines
    Sort the ingredients by the order of the lines in the formula.
    • Contiguous Base Formula: Select the check box to keep base items together at the top of the grid.
    Sort Item Codes in either Ascending or Descending order.
    Item Lines
    Select Item Component Types to display in the Ingredients tab.