Variable mass UOM for parameters

Some non-mass measures, like cup or package, do not account for the mass of various items or forms of an item. For example, the mass of one cup of shredded carrots is different than for one cup of sugar or one cup of sliced carrots. One standard relationship between mass and cup does not apply in all cases.

Raw materials are sometimes formulated and stored in the count UOM type, but you must use a mass equivalent to process weight-based rollups such as nutrition:
  • 4 jumbo shrimp per salad
  • 4 small shrimp as garnish
  • 1 slice of cheese per sandwich
  • 1 8oz can of tomato sauce

You can create parameters with the Parameter Type type 9 UOM Conversion Factor and type 16 Variable UOM to process weight-based rollups.

See Creating the parameter for more information on creating parameters for weight-based rollups.

See Variable mass units of measure for more information on variable UOMs.

See Types of parameters for more information on type 9 UOM Conversion Factor.