Importing to Optiva

Optiva imports/receives these BODs:

  • Sync.SupplierPartyMaster
  • Sync.CustomerPartyMaster
  • Sync.ItemMaster
  • Sync.CodeDefinition
  • Sync.OptivaNativeFormat
  • Process.OptivaNativeFormat

Naming File Connector BODs

Any BOD type with the phrase OptivaNative will be treated as an OptivaNativeFormat BOD by the Infor CloudSuite PLM for Process Inbox Listener. The OptivaNativeFormat BOD can be used by any Infor ApplicationConnection point. The OptivaNativeFormat BOD must not share its name with the File Connector BOD.

You can create File Connector BODs with the phrase OptivaNative in its name.

For example, you can add multiple BODs and name OptivaNativeFile01,OptivaNativeFile02, etc. These File Connector BODs will be handled by the Infor CloudSuite PLM for Process Inbox Listener as an OptivaNativeFormat BOD.