Specifying profile attributes at different levels

You can specify profile attribute values at different levels in Optiva.

Level Form > Tab Description
System (default) Profile > Detail Using the Profile form, you can specify profile attribute values that apply to everyone who is logged into any Optiva lab.
Lab Lab > Profile Using the @DFLT Lab, you can specify profile attribute values for all labs.

Using the Lab form, you can also specify the profile attributes for one lab, such as the FOOD lab.

User User > Profiles In the Profiles tab of the User form, you can specify the profile attribute values that are unique for the user.

What happens when you have profile attributes defined for a specific user, a specific lab, and the entire system (default)? A hierarchy is used to determine which profile attribute value to enforce for the user.

The profile attribute values that are defined at the user level take the highest precedence. These profile attribute values override the values that are defined at the Lab level and the system (default) level.

The attribute values that are defined at the Lab level override the values that are defined at the system (default) level.