Scaling a formula to item quantities

In the Formula form, you can scale all items in a formula that is based on a new quantity of one or more items. When you adjust the item amount, or total amount for more than one item, the remaining items are scaled in proportion.

For example, a formula for pizza consists of water, flour, sauce, and cheese. The items in the formula are in a desirable proportion to achieve the appropriate parameter values. Now the formula yield is incorrect; you want the total amount of water and sauce to be 45 kilograms instead of 30 kilograms and you want the amount of flour and cheese to scale in proportion.

  1. Open the Formula form.
  2. Select at least one row in the Item Lines grid.
  3. Confirm that the item scaling values are either Linear (0) or Auto Adjust to Total (2).

  4. Select Functions > Scale Formula to Item Quantity.
  5. In the Scale Formula to Item Quantity dialog, specify either a new item sub-total or a scale factor. For this example, enter 45 for the New Item Sub-total.

    All of the item quantities in the Item Lines tab reflect the new scaling factor.