Assigning dates to the project

Project milestones are tracked using the date fields.

  1. Open the Project form.
  2. Specify this criteria.
    Delivery Date
    Select the date when the project is due to be delivered. This is also known as the introduction date.
    Est. End Date
    Shows the estimated date for completing the project. This entry is specified through a workflow. Change this value manually if the system administrator changes the Read Only column value for this field in the FsValidationField table from 1 (read-only) to 0 (editable).
    Plan Start Date
    Specify the date on which you plan to start the project.
    Plan End Date
    Specify the date on which you plan to complete the project.
    Start Date
    Specify the actual date to begin the project.
    End Date
    Specify the actual date to complete the project.