References example

Suppose you want to create set code filters for the lookup codes within the V\REFITEM Lookup Set. For this example, two separate set codes are assigned to the lookup codes within that Lookup set. The set codes are Material and Manufactured.

Lookup Code References To Set Code
V\REFITEM1 Vendors Material
V\REFITEM2 Customers Manufactured
V\REFITEM3 Specifications no set code
V\REFITEM4 Other Items no set code

What do users see when they select the Filter list in the References tab of the Item form?

The list of choices is filtered according to the set codes that are assigned to the business object itself.

References are displayed for all of the business objects unless you limit them to one or more set codes using the Set Filter functionality.


Set Code on the Item Filter Choices in the References Tab
Raw Material Item 001 Material Vendors


Other Items

Co-packer Item 001 Manufactured Customers


Other Items

Instruction Item 400 No set code Specifications

Other Items