Configuring items for ingredient statements

You can configure items for use in ingredient statements. The relevant fields are described briefly here. See the Infor PLM for Process Label Management Administration Guide for more information.

  1. Open the Item form.
  2. Specify the criteria for the item.
    Ingredient Statement Formula

    When generating the ingredient statement for the formula, this selection takes precedence over the item’s Master Formula or constituents. It can only be used for items that have a Component Type of either Material (1) or Raw Material (8).

    Suppose a formula is developed in one lab and that formula is used by another lab to manufacture the finished product. The first lab can use this field to maintain control over the appearance of the final label.


    Use this field to apply a global threshold to an ingredient. You can do this instead of adding each item individually to an ingredient statement rule and assigning individual thresholds to each item.

    You can specify a value between 0 and 100. The default value is 0. Decimals, such as .00001, are also acceptable.

    When you add the item to an ingredient statement rule, this value is displayed in the Report Qty% field.

    You can override the item’s global threshold value by changing the Report Qty % value in the rule.

    For items that are not shown on the ingredient statement rule, the global threshold value is used instead of zero.