Loading formulas or items in the Global Calc form

You must create, save a Global Calc object and select the Calc Formulas or Calc Items check box to load formulas or items in the Global Calc form.

If you do not save the Global Calc object, you cannot load search formulas, load search items,or start the Global Calc process.

Loading Search Formulas and Items in the Global Calc form

You must select a search code to define the items or formulas to load into the Global Calc form.

  1. Open the Global Calc form.
  2. Select a Global Calc object.
  3. Select the Formula Calc Setup or Item Calc Setup tab.
  4. Specify a Formula Search in the Formula Search field or a Item Search in the Item Search field.
  5. Click Load Formulas or Load Items. The search results are displayed in the Resulting Formulas or Resulting Items tab.
    Note: When you select Calc Items, all items in the Resulting Items tab are recalculated. This is the same as clicking Perform Calculation in the Item form.

    When you select Calc Formulas, all formulas in the Resulting Formulas tab are recalculated by recalcuating the formula's material percent and parameter values. This is the same as clicking Perform Calculation in the Formula form.

    Global Calc then continues through the highest level formulas. This replicates the manual process of opening each formula, from the bottom to the top of the hierarchy, and clicking Calc.

    When you select Calc Items and Calc Formulas, all items in the Resulting Items grid are recalculated first. Then all formulas in the Resulting Formulas grid are recalculated afterwards.

  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Start Calculation to start the Global Calc process.
  8. Click Update Status to see the current status of the job.