Verbosity of the log file

Trace settings are made in the config files for Optiva:

  • Web client --\inetpub\wwwroot\FsOptivaWeb\Web.config
  • Server --\inetpub\wwwroot\FsSvcCore\Web.config

Specify the verbosity of the log file in this line in the config file:

add key="TRACEVERBOSE" value="5"/>

For XML Listener, specify verbosity values between 0 (i.e., no messages) and 9 (i.e., the most verbose). For the web client and Web Server, specify 0 to 21.

When XML Listener is in production, set logging to 0. This avoids consuming CPU, especially if performance seems slow. Turn logging on in a production environment only if:

  • there are problems running Optiva
  • the Event Logs are not sufficient

For the web client and Web Server, a relatively high verbosity level does require you to write the log files to their own disk system; or at least to a disk system where they do not conflict with other high-volume disk activity. A high verbosity setting increases the amount of data that is written to those log files. Though performance issues are less of a problem, there are other reasons to use a relatively low setting.