Process for importing formulas with sub-formulas

A formula that contains sub-formulas must be imported in these stages:

  1. Import the raw material items.
  2. Create items, with no details, for sub-formulas. The sub-formulas are added as items to another formula. The item code must be the same as the formula that becomes the sub-formula at the next level. Include header data only; no details are required.
  3. Import formulas that are made up of only the raw materials from stage 1.
  4. Import formulas that are made up of raw materials from stage 1 and formulas from stage 3.
  5. Import formulas that may contain sub-formulas from stage 4. If this formula is not going to be a sub-formula, do not include an item code for it in the header.

This example shows the stages of importing a sub-formula.

Examples Description
010, 020, 030, 040 Import raw material items: 010, 020, 030, 040.
Item B-001 Create items with a key code of sub-formulas. Add header data only.

Import a raw material for B-001. This raw material is used as a sub-formula. Only the header is necessary; detail codes are not required.

Formula B-001

Items 010, 020

Import formulas (B-001) that contain only raw material items (010, 020).
Formula F-001

Sub-formula B-001

Items 010, 020

Import formulas (F-001) with sub-formulas (B-001) from the previous level and items.

The item code F-001 is in the header because it is going to be used as a sub-formula.

Include item 030 in the INGR details.

B-001 is imported as both an item and a formula. The formula includes the code and version number.

Formula F-002

Item 040

Sub-formula F-001

Item 030

Sub-formula B-001 in formula F-001

Item 010, 020

Import formulas (F-002) with sub-formulas (F-001) from the previous level and items. This formula is going to be used as an item instead of a sub-formula.

The item code F-002 is NOT in the header because F-002 is not going to be a sub-formula. Include item 040 in the INGR details.