
Use this profile attribute to customize the password requirements for your site. By default, this profile attribute is disabled. In this scenario, Optiva users are required to specify a new password that adheres to the standard minimum of six characters:

  • At least one character must be a lowercase letter.
  • At least one character must be an uppercase letter.
  • At least two numeric digits must be included in the password.

To customize the password requirements for your site, you must enable this profile attribute. To do so, change the first digit from zero to a non-zero value, such as 1.

This example enhances the default password complexity requirement to also include one of these characters: !@#$%^&*(),.<>?}~-+/


You can change the password length to be greater than 6. For this example, the password length must be a minimum of eight characters.


This value takes precedence over the minimum value that is defined in the Security.PasswordMinLength profile attribute. Remember to change the error message to reflect the new password requirements. The Message Code is PASSWORDMASKNOMATCH.