Data Lake information differing in two environments

Another situation may occur if you do a backup of a production environment into some other environment, such as test. In this case, there may already be data in the data lake for the test environment, but the data will not match the data sent from production.

For this case, follow the steps below:

  1. New ION API credentials must be generated and entered using the IMPORT ION CONFIG wizard. This will set the correct the profile values for this environment.
  2. Use Compass in Data Lake to clear out all data for all the PLM for Process tables. Click an object and select Generate > Exec > Clear Table > Remove Formatted Data.
  3. In PLM for Process, open each symbol that supports data lake and use the DATALAKE SEND DATA button to send all the data over.
    Note: If it is not necessary for the data lake on the test environment to be 100% accurate, then you may want to avoid doing these steps since it will be time consuming. If the test environment is for testing only, it may not be necessary to have the data lake be 100% accurate.