Configuring the guidelines for Dosage

  1. Add the DOSAGE set code to the GRSTMT symbol.
  2. Create the standard guidelines for monitoring the dosage.

    This table shows an example:

    Column Value
    Guideline Code DOSAGE
    Guideline Text Material must be decreased by (&_NewMaterialPct)% at a dosage of (&_Dosage)%.
  3. Create the item guidelines for the materials that are required to be monitored for dosage.

    This table shows the Item Guideline for Item 00001:

    Column Name Value
    Standard Guideline Code DOSAGE

    Material must be decreased by (&_NewMaterialPct)% at a dosage of (&_Dosage)%.

    Value Type Above Max: 0-1
    End Use Match Listed: SKIN CONT.LEAVE ON
    Set Code DOSAGE
  4. Specify 1 for the FGUIDELINE.SECURITYBYPASS profile attribute. During the guideline check, the security for the sub-formulas and ingredients is bypassed. That way, a complete assessment of whether the formula meets the guidelines can be accomplished. If you specify 0 for this profile attribute, then security is enforced.