Extending the CloudSuite solution

Administrators and end users can extend your CloudSuite solution by using extensibility options. You use these options to add or modify core application functionality or to change the look and feel of the core application. Without direct access to the application database, source code, underlying system objects, or servers hosting the application, you can use extensibility options to change user interfaces, data models, business logic, reports, analytics, and integration points.

This table shows the types of extensibility options that are available for this CloudSuite:

Personalize Modify the look, feel, and flow of an application Themes, labels, titles, navigation, accessibility, help, and branding
TailorModify elements in an application New fields in existing tables, report layouts, objects, functions, properties, default values
ExtendAdd new application functionality, including new logic, screens, or dataNew UI elements and non-UI elements, including tables and business objects
IntegrateAdd new integration componentsBODs, Web Services