This button applies only to APS.

Click this button to generate a projected availability date for this transaction. The APS system calculates this date by incrementally planning the transaction in a temporary copy of the planner database based on the transaction's input date.

This button is available only if these conditions are true:

  • The order's status must be ordered or planned. If the order's status is ordered and all the CO lines are filled, the button is disabled. The Customer Order Line must also be planned or ordered for the button to be enabled.
  • If this is an estimate line item, the estimate's status must be planned, working, or quoted.

When the planning mode is Infinite APS, this button appears as Get ATP. When the planning mode is APS, the button appears as Get CTP. The difference between the two modes is this:

  • ATP: The date projected by the "available to promise" calculation considers the capacity of your resources to be infinite while they are working on-shift. That is, the possibility that the resources are working on other demands is not factored into the calculated projected date for this demand.
  • CTP: The "capable to promise" calculation projects the date by which your resources can actually complete the order, considering their availability.

The Availability Results dialog displays the projected date.

  • If you are entering a forecast for an MPS item, do not click the Get ATP/CTP button on the Forecast form. MPS item forecasts must be planned in the MPS Processor.
  • If the demand is associated with a warehouse in which the Dedicated Inventory field is selected, you cannot perform the Get ATP/CTP process. The error message "Availability cannot be checked for demands from warehouses with dedicated inventory" displays.

For more information, see About Incremental Planning and ATP/CTP.