Separate Debit and Credit Totals

Select this check box to display separate totals for debits and credits on the report or activity.

Report output varies when this check box is selected:

  • On A/P Voucher Posting and the Invoice Transaction Report, the Account Distribution Summary displays separate totals for debit and credit amounts for each account included on the report.

    If cancellation posting also applies to transactions included on these reports, report totals are calculated for the sum of positive and negative-signed debit amounts and the sum of positive and negative-signed credit amounts.

  • On the General Ledger Report, totals for accounts with no period activity are displayed in a single line labelled, Account Ending Balance. This line shows the separate totals for debit and credit amounts.

    Also on this report, totals for accounts with period activity are displayed in a section labelled, Account Beginning Balance. This section shows separate totals for debit and credit amounts for the beginning balance as well as transaction detail. The last line in this section is labelled, Account Ending Balance. This line shows separate debit and credit amounts from the beginning balance plus the sum of debit and credit amount transactions for the reporting period.

    The end of this report shows separate debit and credit amounts for beginning amounts, period amounts, and ending balance amounts.

    If cancellation posting also applies to transactions on this report, they are displayed using negative-signed amounts. Totals are calculated using the sum of debit transactions, including negative-signed debit amounts, and the sum of credit transactions, including negative-signed credit amounts.

  • On the General Ledger Worksheet and Trial Balance Report, the report total accumulates separate values for debit and credit balances for each account.

    If cancellation posting also applies, account period totals are calculated using the sum of debit transactions, including negative-signed debit amounts, and the sum of credit transactions, including negative-signed credit amounts.

See also Creating and Rebalancing Ledger Period Totals.