Packages, Weight, Freight, and Miscellaneous Charges

The number of packages, total weight, freight, and miscellaneous charges associated with a consolidated invoice display in the following fields in the Consolidated Invoices Workbench:

  • # Packages
  • Tot Weight
  • Misc Amount
  • Freight Amount

Values of these header fields are calculated from customer order values and delivery order values during consolidated invoice generation.

On the initial reference to a customer order in an unprinted consolidated invoice, the consolidated invoice generation activity adds to the invoice header fields values from corresponding fields in the customer order. (On the Customer Orders form, the corresponding fields are labeled: # Packages, Tot Weight, Misc Chgs, and Freight.)

Note:  If any changes are made to the # Packages, Tot Weight, Misc Chgs, and Freight fields on the customer order, the consolidated invoice must be regenerated to incorporate the changes.

When generating a delivery order invoice or adding a delivery order to an unprinted consolidated invoice, the system adds to the invoice header fields values from the corresponding fields in the delivery order. (On the Delivery Orders form, the corresponding fields are labeled: Tot # Packages, Total Weight, Prepaid Misc Charges, and Prepaid Freight Charges.)

For delivery orders that have DO Invoice set to Single by PO, the system adds values from the delivery order fields to the corresponding fields in the invoice header of the first unprinted consolidated invoice generated for the delivery order. In addition to checking unprinted consolidated invoices for a specific delivery order marked as Single by PO to determine whether to add the values of the four fields to the unprinted consolidated invoice, the system also checks the delivery order to see if any portion of it has been invoiced. If a portion of the delivery order has been invoiced, then no values are added to any further unprinted consolidated invoices generated for the delivery order.