Project Mananager Home - Navigator Tab

The Navigator tab on the Project Manager Home form includes the fields and tabs described here. The majority of the information on these tabs is read-only.


Multi-Site Group: This field allows you to view data in all shared Multi-Site groups including the group logged into by the user. This field is required, and the default value comes from the Multi-Site Group identified on the Users form for the logged-in user.

Project Manager: This field defaults to the logged in user ID. You can change the ID to another project manager ID or you can clear the field to return all data. This field is not used for all the tabs listed below. Read the information below to see how this field affects the data on each tab.


Hot List: This tab shows project resource items that are potentially late. The tab contains three grids; a list of late items, the project resources that match the selected item, and the planning detail for the selected item. The information shown comes from the Planning Detail form. If a Project Manager is selected, only project resource items assigned to the manager's projects are shown, and only the manager's project resources are shown. The Cutoff Date field on this tab defaults to the current date and is not required. The field filters the items grid. If you clear this field, all items are shown.

Projects: The Projects tab shows Project, Task, and Resource information in three separate grids; a list of projects, the project tasks for the selected project, and project resources for the selected task. The information shown comes from the Projects, Project Tasks, and Project Resources forms. If a Project Manager is selected, only projects assigned to that project manager show up in the Projects grid.

Use these option fields on the tab to filter the data:

  • Past Due: Active projects where the current date is greater than the end date are displayed.
  • Resource Late: Active projects where at least one task or resource has a Late Alert are displayed.
  • Active: All projects with a status of Active are displayed.
  • Inactive: All projects with a status of Inactive are displayed.
  • Complete: All projects with a status of Complete are displayed.
  • All: All Projects are displayed.

WBS: This tab shows the WBS, WBS Item, and WBS % Complete information in three separate grids; a list of WBS, the WBS Items for the selected WBS, the % Complete of the selected WBS. The Project Manager field does not apply to this tab. The information shown comes from the Work Breakdown Structures form.

Jobs: This tab shows jobs that are referenced to projects on three separate grids; a list of jobs, the job operations for the selected job, and the materials for the selected operation. The information comes from the Job Orders, Job Operations, and Job Materials forms. If a Project Manager is selected, only jobs referenced to projects assigned to the manager are shown. The Cutoff Date field on this tab defaults to the current date and is not required. The field is used to filter the jobs grid. If you clear this field, all jobs are shown. Use the WBS field to further filter the jobs grid by WBS.

Purchase Orders: This tab shows purchase order information. A list of purchase order lines tied to projects are shown. The information comes from the Purchase Orders form. If a Project Manager is selected, only purchase orders that reference projects assigned to the manager are shown. The Cutoff Date field defaults to the current date and is not required. The field is used to filter the purchase orders grid. If you clear this field, all purchase orders lines tied to a project are shown. Use the WBS field to further filter by WBS.

Shipping: This tab shows a list of project resource shipments. The information comes from the Project Resource Shipping form and shows all shipments where the Qty Shipped < Qty Required. If a Project Manager is selected, only shipments for projects assigned to the manager are shown. The Cutoff Date field defaults to the current date and is not required. If a cutoff date is selected, only shipments which are late or are projected to be late on or before the cutoff date are listed. If the Cutoff Date field is cleared, all shipments are shown. If a WBS is selected, only shipments that reference projects that are assigned to that WBS are shown.

Transactions: This tab shows project transactions. The information comes from the Project Transactions form. If a Project Manager is selected, only transactions for projects assigned to the manager are shown. Use the Transaction Types check boxes to filter the data. The types are: Accounts Payable, Job Close, Journal/Adjustment, Labor, Material, and All Types. By default, only All Types is selected.

Exceptions: This tab shows planning exceptions. Select a project resource item in the grid on the left to see the exceptions for the selected item in the grid on the right. The information shown comes from the Planning Detail form. If a Project Manager is selected, only project resources assigned to the manager are shown.

Cost Code Analysis: This tab shows cost code information for projects. It contains three grids; a list of projects, the cost code summary information for the selected project, and the cost code detail information for the selected cost code. The information shown comes from the % Complete and % Complete Details tabs on the Projects form. If a Project Manager is selected then only projects assigned to the manager will be shown. Use the Project Cost Codes and Job Cost Codes options to show either the project cost codes associated with the project or the job cost codes associated with the project.

Costing Activity: This tab shows the cost code amounts for 12 periods. The information shown is summed from the Project Transactions form. Use the Period Type field to specify whether you want the data to be displayed by Day, Month, Week, or Year. This field is required.

Period Costs: This tab shows a graph for the cost of the selected project. The information comes from the Project/Job Period Costs form. If a Project Manager is selected, only projects assigned to the manager are shown. Use these fields to filter the data shown on the graph:

  • Display either Project Cost Codes or Job Cost Codes.
  • Starting Year that is used to begin counting the months.
  • Starting Month of the starting year, from which to begin counting the months.
  • Number Of Months that are graphed from the starting year/month.

Click the Refresh button after making a change to the selection criteria to see the new graph.

Accumulated Costs: The accumulated costs tab shows a graph for the cost of the selected project. The information comes from the Project/Job Accumulated Cost By Period form. The Project Manager field does not apply to this tab. Use the fields and options to filter the data shown on the graph:

  • Display either Project Cost Codes or Job Cost Codes.
  • Starting Year that is used to begin counting the months.
  • Starting Month of the starting year, from which to begin counting the months.
  • Number Of Months that are graphed from the starting year/month.

Click the Refresh button after making a change to the selection criteria to see the new graph.