Scheduler User-Callable Function Names
This topic lists the user-callable support functions for the Scheduler. You can use
these functions to customize the Scheduler functionality.
For a complete description of each user-callable Scheduler function, see the Scheduling Customization Guide, available for download from our Support site. When creating new Scheduler functions, make sure not to use any of the listed function names.
Function | Description (blank description indicates function not supported) |
mtcurrem | |
aaveqlen | |
aaveqlen | |
aaveqtim | |
aaveqtim | |
acurqlen | |
acurqlen | |
agchgdst | |
agchgst | |
agcprq | |
agcprqct | |
agcpvct | |
agcpveh | |
agcrblck | |
agcrblck | |
agcrbreak | |
agcrbreak | |
agcrbusy | |
agcrbusy | |
agcridle | |
agcridle | |
agcrmaint | |
agcrmaint | |
agcroff | |
agcroff | |
agctrldf | |
agctrldf | |
agctrlsl | |
agctrlsl | |
agdfvs | |
agdfvs | |
agdist | |
agflrq | |
agflrqct | |
agonblck | |
agonblck | |
agonbreak | |
agonbreak | |
agonbusy | |
agonbusy | |
agonidle | |
agonidle | |
agonmaint | |
agonmaint | |
agrqchk | |
agsgvct | |
agsgveh | |
agsignal | |
agvalsgdf | |
agvalsgdf | |
agvalsgsl | |
agvalsgsl | |
agvblck | |
agvblck | |
agvblvh | |
agvbreak | |
agvbreak | |
agvbump | |
agvbumpoff | |
agvbumpon | |
agvbusy | |
agvbusy | |
agvcap | |
agvcap | |
agvcrq | |
agvcurshift | |
agvcurshift | |
agvidle | |
agvidle | |
agvmaint | |
agvmaint | |
agvoff | |
agvoff | |
agvrtdf | |
agvrtdf | |
agvrtsl | |
agvrtsl | |
agvsgclr | |
agvsr | |
agvsr | |
agvtmeos | |
agvtmeos | |
alsgdf | |
alsgdf | |
alsgsl | |
alsgsl | |
batchid | |
batchid | |
batchnam | |
batchname | |
beta | |
binomial | |
caveqlen | |
caveqlen | |
caveqtim | |
caveqtim | |
ccurqlen | |
ccurqlen | |
conprob | |
convblock | |
convblock | |
convbreak | |
convbreak | |
convbusy | |
convcap | |
convcap | |
convcurshift | |
convcurshift | |
convmaint | |
convmaint | |
convoff | |
convoff | |
convseg | |
convseg | |
convstat | |
convstat | |
convtmeos | |
convtmeos | |
convutil | |
convutil | |
covbusy | |
cpfind | |
cpfind | |
cpfind | |
csavos | Return the current average for an observed statistic. |
csavts | |
cschd0 | Schedule a system event on the internal event calendar. |
csched | Schedule a system event on the regular event calendar. |
cscits | |
csclos | Collect an observation for an observed statistic. |
csclos | Collect an observed for an observed statistic. |
csclts | Collect an observation for a time-persistent value. |
csclts | |
cscvts | |
csdlls | Delete a list. |
csdlos | Delete an observed statistic. |
csdlts | |
csdsst | Disable statistics collection for a list. |
cselep | Search the event lists for an entity. |
cselfv | Search the event lists for the first entity scheduled for a given function. |
cselnv | Search the event lists for the next entity scheduled for a given function. |
csenst | Enable statistics collection for a list. |
csepea | Get the scheduled event address for an entity. |
csepet | Get the scheduled event time for an entity. |
csfsls | Get a pointer to the first entity in a list. |
csgpls | Remove an entity from a list by pointer. |
csgtls | Remove an entity from a list by number. |
cshsos | Return histogram information for an observed statistic. |
cshsts | |
csinls | Determine whether an entity is in a list. |
csinos | Initialize or clear an observed statistic. |
csints | |
cslsls | Get a pointer to the last entity in a list. |
csmkls | Create and initialize a list with statistics. |
csmkos | Allocate and initialize an observed statistic. |
csmkts | |
csmnos | Return the current minimum for an observed statistic. |
csmnts | |
CSMXLS | Create and initialize a list without statistics. |
csmxos | Return the current maximum for an observed statistic. |
csmxts | |
csnew | Get a pointer to a new entity of the specified size. |
CSNEW | Get a pointer to a new entity of the specified size. |
csnoos | Return the current number of observeds for an observed statistic. |
csnxls | Get a pointer to the next entity in a list. |
cspfls | Place an entity into a list after another entity. |
cspols | Place an entity into a list using a specified ordering. |
csppls | Place an entity into a list before another entity. |
csprls | Get a pointer to the previous entity in a list. |
csptls | Place an entity into a list using the list's ordering. |
cssdos | Return the current standard deviation for an observed statistic. |
cssdts | |
cssols | Sort a list. |
csssls | Get a pointer to the time-persistent statistics for a list. |
csszls | Get the current size of a list. |
csterm | Terminate an entity pointer. |
cswsls | Get a pointer to the observed statistics for a list. |
ctrldf | |
ctrldf | |
ctrlsl | |
ctrlsl | |
cvchgst | |
cvrqchk | |
cvrtdf | |
cvrtdf | |
cvrtsl | |
cvrtsl | |
dbbdmp | Build a column (field) number map. |
dbcltab | Close a database table. |
dbcrtab | Create a database table. |
dbdlrow | Delete a database row. |
dbdltab | Delete a database table. |
dbds2j | Convert a database date string to Julian. |
dbfdcn | Find a column (field) number. |
dbgtcm | Get the value of the column (field) based on column name. |
dbgtcn | Get the value of the column (field) based on column number. |
dbj2ds | Convert a Julian to database date string. |
dbj2ts | Convert a Julian to database time string. |
dboptab | Open a database table. |
dbrdrow | Read a database row. |
dbstcm | Set the value of the column (field) based on column name. |
dbstcn | Set the value of the column (field) based on column number. |
dbtblex | Check the existence of a database table. |
dbtrtab | Truncate a database table (file). |
dbts2j | Convert a database time string to Julian. |
dbwrrow | Write a database row. |
disprob | |
earlang | |
evalexp | Evaluate an expression. |
expdfr | |
exponential | |
gama | |
gedi2j | Convert date and time integers into a Julian representation. |
gej2di | Convert a Julian representation into date and time integers. |
gej2ds | Convert a Julian representation into a "MM-DD-YY HH:MM" form. |
gest2j | Returns the current system time as a Julian representation. |
getxcell | Get a value from an Excel spreadsheet. |
getxcell | |
gewkdy | Return the day of the week given a Julian representation. |
gtcharat | |
gtcharvr | |
gtintat | |
gtintvr | |
gtrealat | |
gtrealvr | |
jobarriv | Specific load arrival time at operation. |
jobarriv | |
jobstart | Specific load start time at operation. |
jobstart | |
js04rp | Find the resource to be setup on setup operation. |
js10df | Install a select operation selection function. |
js10df | Install select operation selection function. |
js10sl | Return the operation on select operation. |
js13rp | Find the resource to be setup on setup/operation operation. |
jsaloc | Allocate resources for an operation. |
jsalrs | Allocate the nth resource/resource group on an operation. |
jsavrs | Get the availability of the nth resource/resource group on an operation. |
jsclst | Update load statistics during operation processing. |
jsclst | Update load statistics during operation processing. |
jscmjt | Return the step time of a load for an operation. |
jscmst | Return the operation portion of step time of load for an operation. |
jscmsu | Return the setup part of step time of a load for an operation. |
jscqrs | Cancel requests for the nth resource/resource group on an operation. |
jsdfar | Install an operation resource allocation function. |
jsdfar | Install resource allocation function. |
jsdfjs | Install an operation selection code evaluation function. |
jsdfjs | Install function to process operation selection rule. |
jsdfst | Install an operation step time function. |
jsdfst | Install step time function. |
jsfree | Handle all of the operation resource free phases. |
jsfrhn | Free the handle returned by function jsavrs. |
jsfrrs | Free the nth resource/resource group on an operation. |
jsfsbt | Select the first operation on batch routing. |
jsfsjs | Select the first operation on routing. |
jsin01 | Operation operation interrupt function. |
jsinrs | Interrupt the use of a resource by a load. |
jsname | Specific load current operation. |
jsname | |
jsnxbt | Select next operation after a batch routing. |
jsnxjs | Select next operation in routing. |
jspr01 | Operation operation processing function. |
jsrars | Retrieve resources preempted due to off shift or failure. |
jsrqrs | Request the nth resource/resource group on an operation. |
jsrsen | Reschedule end of operation after interruption. |
jsscen | Schedule the end of service for an operation. |
jswtsr | Determine whether setup required. |
lddrtime | Specific load dropoff time at operation |
lddrtime | |
ldduedate | Specific load due date |
ldduedate | |
ldinsys | Number of loads in the system. |
ldinsys | |
ldlngjstep | Specific load's longest remaining operation |
ldlngjstep | |
ldmcralloc | Specific load has MCR allocated (1=yes, 0=no) |
ldmcralloc | |
ldoptime | Specific load's operation time at operation |
ldoptime | Load's operating time at this operation. |
ldordnmld | Specific load's job's number of load |
ldordnmld | Load's job's number of loads. |
ldordsize | Specific load's job size |
ldordsize | Load's job size. |
ldpktime | Specific loads pickup time at operation |
ldpktime | Specific loads pickup time at operation |
ldprior | Specific load priority |
ldprior | Specific load priority |
ldprtime | Specific load's processing time at operation |
ldprtime | Specific load's processing time at operation |
ldqutime | Specific load's wait time at operation |
ldqutime | Specific load's wait time at operation |
ldreldate | Specific load's job's release date |
ldreldate | Specific load's job's release date |
ldresalloc | Specific load has resource allocated (1=yes, 0=no) |
ldresalloc | Specific load has resource allocated (1=yes, 0=no) |
ldrmjsteps | Specific load's remaining number of operations |
ldrmjsteps | Specific load's remaining number of operations |
ldrmprtime | Specific load's remaining processing time |
ldrmprtime | Specific load's remaining processing time |
ldsttime | Specific load's setup time at this operation |
ldsttime | Specific load's setup time at this operation |
ldtimewip | |
ldtimewip | |
ldwipalloc | |
ldwipalloc | |
lkupname | Specific load's part setup matrix name. |
lkupname | Specific load's part setup matrix name. |
loaddone | Number of load completed. |
loaddone | Number of load completed. |
loadid | Specific load ID. |
loadid | Specific load ID. |
loadproc | Number of loads processing. |
loadproc | Number of loads processing. |
loadqtim | Specific load total queue time. |
loadqtim | Specific load total queue time. |
loadsize | Specific load size. |
loadsize | Specific load size. |
loadwait | Number of loads waiting. |
loadwait | Number of loads waiting. |
lognormal | |
lookup | Get a value from a setup matrix. |
lookup | Get a value from a setup matrix. |
matcap | |
matcap | Material capacity. |
matlevl | |
matlevl | Current material level. |
maveaqln | |
maveaqln | |
maveaqtm | |
maveaqtm | |
maverqln | |
maverqln | |
maverqtm | |
maverqtm | |
mcavqlen | |
mcavqlen | |
mcavqtim | |
mcavqtim | |
mcblock | |
mcblock | |
mcbreak | |
mcbreak | |
mcbusy | |
mcbusy | |
mccrblck | |
mccrblck | |
mccrbreak | |
mccrbreak | |
mccrbusy | |
mccrbusy | |
mccridle | |
mccrmaint | |
mccrmaint | |
mccroff | |
mccroff | |
mccrset | |
mccrset | |
mccurqln | |
mcidle | |
mcmaint | |
mcoff | |
mconblck | |
mconbreak | |
mconbusy | |
mconidle | |
mconmaint | |
mconset | |
mcrblkmb | |
mcrblkmb | |
mcrcurshift | |
mcrcurshift | |
mcrmem | |
mcrmem | |
mcrprct | |
mcrprct | Estimated time to complete operation |
mcrstat | |
mcrstat | |
mcsetup | |
mcsetup | |
mctmeos | |
mctmeos | Time to end of up period. |
mcuraqln | |
mcuraqln | |
mcurrqln | |
mcurrqln | |
mhname | Specific load material handling device name. |
mhname | |
mhtype | Specific load material handling type ('C', 'A', 'T', '\0'). |
mhtype | |
mtavail | |
mtavail | |
mtavelav | |
mtavelev | |
mtcurrem | Current number of units being removed. |
mtcurship | |
mtcurship | Current number of material units being shipped. |
mtorigship | |
mtorigship | Original number of material units to be shipped. |
mttime | |
mttime | Current time in material. |
normal | |
obsave | Observed statistic average value |
obsave | Observed statistic average value |
obsmax | Observed statistic maximum value |
obsmax | Observed statistic maximum value |
obsmin | Observed statistic minimum value |
obsmin | Observed statistic minimum value |
obsstd | Observed statistic standard deviation |
obsstd | Observed statistic standard deviation |
orddone | Number of jobs completed. |
orddone | Number of jobs completed. |
orddone | Specific load job name. |
ordernam | Specific load job name. |
partfam | Specific load part family name. |
partfam | Specific load part family name. |
partname | Specific load part name. |
partname | Specific load part name. |
partsfam | Specific load part subfamily name. |
partsfam | Specific load part subfamily name. |
paveqlen | |
paveqlen | |
paveqtim | |
paveqtim | |
pcurqlen | |
pcurqlen | |
plavail | |
plavail | |
poisson | |
poolbusy | |
poolbusy | |
poolcap | |
poolcap | |
poolutil | |
poolutil | |
proctime | Specific load processing time. |
proctime | Current load processing time. |
prtdone | Number of parts completed. |
prtdone | Number of parts completed. |
prtinsys | Number of parts in the system. |
prtinsys | Number of parts in the system. |
prtproc | Number of parts processing in the system. |
prtproc | Number of parts processing in the system. |
prtwai | Number of parts waiting in the system. |
prtwait | Number of parts waiting in the system. |
random | |
raveqlen | Average queue length for a resource. |
raveqlen | Average queue length for a resource. |
raveqtim | Average waiting time for a resource. |
raveqtim | Average waiting time for a resource. |
rcurqlen | Current queue length for a resource. |
rcurqlen | Current queue length for a resource. |
remproc | Specific load remaining processing time. |
remproc | Current load remaining processing time. |
resstat | Current resource status. |
resstat | Current resource status. |
rgavqlen | Average queue length for a resource group. |
rgavqlen | Average queue length for a resource group. |
rgavqtim | Average waiting time for a resource group. |
rgavqtim | Average waiting time for a resource group. |
rgblock | Current number of blocked resources in a resource group. |
rgblock | Current number of blocked resources in a resource group. |
rgbreak | Current number of resources in breakdown in a resource group. |
rgbreak | Current number of resources in breakdown in a resource group. |
rgbusy | Current number of busy resources in a resource group. |
rgbusy | Current number of busy resources in a resource group. |
rgcrblck | Current resource group blocked time proportion. |
rgcrblck | Current resource group blocked time proportion. |
rgcrbreak | Current resource group breakdown time proportion. |
rgcrbreak | Current resource group in breakdown time proportion. |
rgcrbusy | Current resource group busy time proportion. |
rgcrbusy | Current resource group busy time proportion. |
rgcridle | Current resource group idle time proportion. |
rgcridle | Current resource group idle time proportion. |
rgcrmaint | Current resource group maintenance time proportion. |
rgcrmaint | Current resource group maintenance time proportion. |
rgcroff | Current resource group off-shift time proportion. |
rgcroff | Current resource group off-shift time proportion. |
rgcrset | Current resource group setup time proportion. |
rgcrset | Current resource group setup time proportion. |
rgcurqln | Current queue length for a resource group. |
rgcurqln | Current queue length for a resource group. |
rgidle | Current number of idle resources in a resource group. |
rgidle | Current number of idle resources in a resource group. |
rgindex | Specific load index of member from resource group allocated to load. |
rgmaint | Current number of resources in maintenance in a resource group. |
rgmaint | Current number of resource in maintenance in a resource group. |
rgmem | Specific load name of resource from group allocated to load. |
rgmem | Specific load name of resource from group allocated to load. |
rgoff | Current number of off-shift resources in a resource group. |
rgoff | Current number of off-shift resources in a resource group. |
rgonblck | Current resource group on-shift blocked time proportion. |
rgonblck | Current resource group on-shift blocked time proportion. |
rgonbreak | Current resource group on-shift breakdown time proportion. |
rgonbreak | Current resource group on-shift breakdown time proportion. |
rgonbusy | Current resource group on-shift busy time proportion. |
rgonbusy | Current resource group on-shift busy time proportion. |
rgonidle | Current resource group on-shift idle time proportion. |
rgonidle | Current resource group on-shift idle time proportion. |
rgonmaint | Current resource group on-shift maintenance time proportion. |
rgonmaint | Current resource group on-shift maintenance time proportion. |
rgonset | Current resource group on-shift setup time proportion. |
rgonset | Current resource group on-shift setup time proportion. |
rgsetup | Current number of setup resources in a resource group. |
rgsetup | Current number of setup resources in a resource group. |
rsblkmb | Resource block time at move and move-between operations |
rsblkmb | Resource block time at move and move-between operations |
rscrblck | Current resource blocked time proportion. |
rscrblck | Current resource blocked time proportion. |
rscrbreak | Current resource breakdown time proportion. |
rscrbreak | Current resource breakdown time proportion. |
rscrbusy | Current resource busy time proportion. |
rscrbusy | Current resource busy time proportion. |
rscreset | Current resource setup time proportion. |
rscridle | Current resource idle time proportion. |
rscridle | Current resource idle time proportion. |
rscrmaint | Current resource maintenance time proporation. |
rscrmaint | Current resource maintenance time proportion. |
rscroff | Current resource off-shift time proportion. |
rscroff | Current resource off-shift time proportion. |
rscrset | Current resource setup time proportion. |
rscurshift | Resource current shift. |
rscurshift | Resource current shift. |
rsonblck | Current resource on-shift blocked time proportion. |
rsonblck | Current resource on-shift blocked time proportion. |
rsonbreak | Current resource on-shift breakdown time proportion. |
rsonbreak | Current resource on-shift breakdown time proportion. |
rsonbusy | Current resource on-shift busy time proportion. |
rsonbusy | Current resource on-shift busy time proportion. |
rsonidle | Current resource on-shift idle time proportion. |
rsonidle | Current resource on-shift idle time proportion. |
rsonmaint | Current resource on-shift maintenance time proportion. |
rsonmaint | Current resource on-shift maintenace time proportion. |
rsonset | Current resource on-shift setup time proportion. |
rsonset | Current resource on-shift setup time proportion. |
rsprct | Estimated time to complete current operation. |
rsprct | Estimated time to complete current operation. |
rstmeos | Time to end of "up" period. |
rstmeos | Time to end of "up" period. |
seaamb | |
seaars | Returns resource availability status to a load. (Considers must-complete and maximum-overrun.) |
seacsq | Turn on the sequencing rule for a request list. |
seadmb | |
seadmt | |
seadov | |
seadsl | Add a resource to selection list. |
seagsl | |
seajld | Adjust the accumulators and resource counts for a load. |
seakmt | |
sealmb | |
sealmc | |
sealpl | |
sealrg | Allocate a resource from a resource group to a load. |
sealrs | Allocate a resource to a load. |
seaqmt | |
seaqor | |
seavmb | |
seavmt | |
seavpl | |
seavrs | Returns resource availability status. (Does not consider must-complete and maximum-overrun.) |
seckmb | |
seckpl | |
seckrs | Checks the queue for a resource. |
secmds | Compute dynamic slack for a load. |
secqmc | |
secqor | |
secqpl | |
secqrg | Cancel a request for a resource group to a load. |
secqrs | Cancel a request for a resource to a load. |
secrcl | Create resource capacity list for a load. |
secrwcl | Create WIP capacity list for a load. |
secsmb | |
secsrs | Change resource state. |
secvsl | |
sedfag | |
sedfag | |
sedfal | |
sedfal | |
sedfbq | |
sedfbq | |
sedfbs | |
sedfbs | |
sedfcv | |
sedfcv | |
sedfgs | Install a resource group member selection function. |
sedfgs | Install a resource group member selection function. |
sedfjs | Install an operation event processing function. |
sedfjs | Install an operation event processing function. |
sedfmq | |
sedfmq | |
sedfms | |
sedfms | |
sedfok | Install a job ranking function. |
sedfov | |
sedfov | |
sedfpl | |
sedfpl | |
sedfpu | |
sedfrk | Install a load ranking function. |
sedfrk | Install a load ranking function. |
sedfrl | |
sedfrl | |
sedfsl | Install a resource request selection function. |
sedfsl | Install a resource request selection function. |
sedftr | |
sedftr | |
seepor | End processing for a job. |
sefdac | |
sefdac | |
sefdaf | |
sefdaf | |
sefdag | |
sefdag | |
sefdas | |
sefdas | |
sefdat | |
sefdat | |
sefdbt | |
sefdbt | |
sefdcc | |
sefdcc | |
sefdcg | |
sefdcg | |
sefdcpg | |
sefdcs | |
sefdcs | |
sefddmnd | Find a demand definition. |
sefdfb | |
sefdfb | Find a forming batch load. |
sefdil | Find an in-process load. |
sefdil | Find an in-process load. |
sefdjs | Find an operation. |
sefdjs | Find operation. |
sefdlk | Find a setup matrix. |
sefdmcm | |
sefdmcm | |
sefdmcr | |
sefdmcr | |
sefdmcrq | |
sefdmcrq | |
sefdmq | |
sefdmq | |
sefdmt | |
sefdmt | |
sefdor | Find a job. |
sefdpl | |
sefdpl | |
sefdpq | |
sefdpq | |
sefdpr | Find a routing. |
sefdpt | Find a part. |
sefdpull | |
sefdrg | Find a resource group. |
sefdrg | Find a resource group. |
sefdrq | Find a request matching a given load in a given list. |
sefdrq | Find a request matching a given load in a given list |
sefdrs | Find a resource. |
sefdrs | Find a resource. |
sefdrt | Find a resource tag matching a given resource in a given list. |
sefdrt | |
sefdrt | Find a resource tag matching a given resource in a given list. |
sefdry | Find a resource type. |
sefdry | |
sefdry | Find a resource type. |
sefdsh | Find a shift schedule. |
sefdtc | |
sefdtc | |
sefdtf | |
sefdtf | |
sefdtg | |
sefdtg | |
sefdts | |
sefdts | |
sefdvr | |
sefdvr | |
seferr | Report a fatal error message. |
sefmmc | |
sefmrg | Free list of members to allocate. |
sefrmb | |
sefrmc | |
sefrpl | |
sefrrg | Free a number of units of a resource group for a load. |
sefrrs | Free a resource from a load. |
seinjs | General interrupt of an operation event function. |
seissd | |
seissd | |
seissd | Return whether shift is down. |
seissd | Determines whether a resource is off shift. |
seissd | |
sejsev | Schedules a load to arrive at an operation. |
sejssl | Determine whether to process this operation. |
selork | Return the ranking of a load. |
semasl | |
semcmp | Check a load for exceeding the maximum overrun for a resource or MCR. |
semcms | |
semcql | |
semcrqor | |
semkfb | |
semqor | |
semrsl | |
semvbt | |
semvld | Move some or all of the possessions of a load to another load. |
senwld | Create a load. |
sepqor | |
sepqsl | |
seprct | |
seprct | Returns the projected completion time of a job. |
sepurl | |
sequfb | |
sergms | Select a member from a resource group for a load (called from a member selection rule). |
serkmt | |
serlfb | |
serlld | Release loads for a job. |
sermmb | |
sermmt | |
sermot | Compute the number of remaining operations and processing time for a load. |
sermsl | Remove a resource from selection list. |
serqmc | |
serqmt | |
serqor | Returns relationship of resource requests. |
serqpl | |
serqrg | Request a number of units of a resource group for a load. |
serqrs | Request a resource for a load. |
serqsl | Reorders the resource request list before a request is selected. |
ses2di | Convert a simulation time into date and time integers. |
ses2ds | Convert a simulation time into a "MM-DD-YY HH:MM" form. |
ses2st | Convert a simulation time into a "MM-DD-YY HH:MM:SS" form. |
seslfb | |
seslmc | |
seslrg | Select a member from a resource group for a load (called from an allocation rule). |
setmld | Terminate a load. |
setosq | Turn off the sequencing rule for a request list. |
setqor | |
setrace | Report a debug trace message. |
setrev | Event function to change the trace level. |
setrlv | Change the trace level. |
setrsl | |
setseed | Set the initial random number seed for a stream of pseudo-random numbers. |
seutmb | |
seutrs | Return resource utilization. |
sewarn | Report non-fatal warning. |
sexfrl | Transfer a list of resources to a load. |
sexfrs | Transfer a specific resource to a load. |
siaash | |
siacsh | |
siadhr | |
siadhr | Add a held resource to an in-process load. |
siadrf | |
siadrf | |
siadrf | Add a resource reference to an operation. |
siadrf | Add a resource group reference to an operation. |
siamsh | |
siarsh | Add a shift reference to a resource. |
siatsh | |
sichange | Mark a component as changed. |
sierr | Report fatal input error. |
simend | Ending simulation time (hours from start). |
simend | Ending simulation time (hours from start). |
simnow | Current simulation time (hours from start). |
simnow | Current simulation time (hours from start). |
siorrk | Return the ranking of a job. |
sistsv | Allocate storage for and copy a string. |
siwarn | Report non-fatal input warning. |
statsclr | Time statistics were last cleared (hours from start). |
statsclr | Time statistics were last cleared (hours from start). |
stcharat | |
stcharvr | |
sticslist | Retrieve a CSLIST from a status file. |
stintat | |
stintvr | |
stipointer | Retrieve a buffer from a status file. |
stocslist | Save a CSLIST to a status file. |
stopointer | Save a buffer to a status file. |
strealat | |
strealvr | |
taveqlen | Average queue length for a transporter fleet. |
taveqlen | |
taveqtim | Average load waiting time for a transporter fleet. |
taveqtim | |
tcurqlen | Current queue length for a transporter fleet. |
tcurqlen | |
tpvave | |
tpvave | |
tpvmax | |
tpvmax | |
tpvmin | |
tpvmin | |
tpvstd | |
tpvstd | |
tranblck | |
tranblck | |
tranbreak | |
tranbreak | |
tranbusy | |
tranbusy | |
trancap | |
trancap | |
tranidle | |
tranidle | |
tranmaint | |
tranmaint | |
tranoff | |
tranoff | |
trchgst | |
trcrblck | |
trcrblck | |
trcrbreak | |
trcrbreak | |
trcrbusy | |
trcrbusy | |
trcridle | |
trcridle | |
trcrmaint | |
trcrmaint | |
trcroff | |
trcroff | |
trcurshift | |
trcurshift | |
trdfvs | |
trdfvs | |
trdist | |
triangular | |
tronblck | |
tronblck | |
tronbreak | |
tronbreak | |
tronbusy | |
tronbusy | |
tronidle | |
tronidle | |
tronmaint | |
tronmaint | |
trrqchk | |
trrtdf | |
trrtdf | |
trrtsl | |
trrtsl | |
trtmeos | |
trtmeos | |
trvsr | |
trvsr | |
uccschd0 | Schedule a user event on the internal event calendar. |
uccsched | Schedule a user event on the regular event calendar. |
uniform | |
weibull | |
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